You ought to be a great cook to make meals in a huff. And getting to learning tips from those who are trained at doling out multiple food items in a day can certainly make for an enriching experience. In our new series - Chef's Recipe - we ask Chefs to share their favourite recipes. So yes, they not only simplify unbelievably tough recipes but also discuss the tricks to prepare the same in less time without sacrificing on the flavour.
Chef Sushant Bishal shares with us his Zingo Star Chicken Wings Recipe (Chicken Wings 20 pcs)
200 gm all-purpose flour
14 gm bicarbonate of soda
2 or 3 eggs
160 ml milk
1 tablespoon (15 gm) black pepper
1 tablespoon (15 gm) dry thyme
1 tablespoon (15 gm) dry basil
1 tablespoon (15 gm) hot chili powder
1 tablespoon (15 gm) Cayenne pepper powder
1 tablespoon (15gm) Garlic Powder
1 table spoon (15 gm) Onion Powder
Salt to taste
Vegetable oil (1/2-1 inch/1.3-2.5cm deep): For Frying
Chef's recipe
Step 1: Mix the batter. Beat the 2 or 3 eggs in a medium-large bowl. You'll have to dunk your chicken pieces in this. Add 160 ml milk, whisk to blend, and set aside.
Step 2: Mix the dry ingredients. In a large bowl, mix the black pepper, dry theme, dry basil, hot chili powder, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, and flour together.
Step 3: Coat the Chicken Wings. Take a piece of Chicken Wings and dip it into the batter. Then place it in the flour mixture and cover the Chicken Wings with it. Set the coated chicken aside.
Step 4: Repeat for the remaining Chicken. Continue coating each Chicken piece until all portions are prepared.
Step 5: Fry it up! Heat the oil in a large skillet until it simmers but doesn't smoke-about 350°F/175°C. Using tongs, carefully place the chicken pieces skin-side down into the skillet and fry them over medium heat. Leave the pieces in there for about 25 to 30 minutes, turning and flipping occasionally.
Don't add the Chicken until the fat is hot, otherwise you'll end with greasy Chicken.
Step 6: De-grease the Wings. Remove the pieces from the skillet and drain the grease onto paper towels or a clean kitchen cloth.
Step 7: Serve with Barbeque or any other sauce.
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