Under fire, Prashant Bhushan Deletes 'Offensive' Tweet on Lord Krishna
Under fire, Prashant Bhushan Deletes 'Offensive' Tweet on Lord Krishna
On Monday, protesters raised slogans outside Bhushan’s house and blackened the nameplate with ink.

New Delhi: Lawyer-politician Prashant Bhushan on Tuesday deleted a tweet on Lord Krishna which was deemed as “offensive" and led to a protest outside his residence a day earlier. Bhushan also apologised for the tweet, saying he did not intend to hurt anyone’s sentiments.

Bhushan had on Sunday stoked a controversy with certain remarks on Lord Krishna while criticising the 'anti-Romeo' drive in Uttar Pradesh, following which he was booked for hurting religious feelings.Also Read: Prashant Bhushan's Residence Attacked, Protesters Throw Ink at Nameplate

His statement came in the wake of the ongoing anti-Romeo squads which are active in Uttar Pradesh after the order of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. However, after facing criticism, Bhushan clarified his tweet and wrote, “My tweet on Romeo brigade being distorted. My position is: By the logic of Romeo Brigade, even Lord Krishna would look like eve teaser."Also Read: Prashant Bhushan's Effigy Burnt for 'Offensive' Tweet on Lord Krishna

A complaint for “hurting religious sentiments" has also been filed against the Swaraj Abhiyan co-founder by Zishan Haider, the Congress spokesperson in Uttar Pradesh.

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