TN Fee Act applies to CBSE schools: HC
TN Fee Act applies to CBSE schools: HC
Follow us:WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegram.cls-1{fill:#4d4d4d;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}Google NewsSchools affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and Indian Certificate Secondary Education (ICSE) will also come under the purview of the TN (Regulation of Collection of Fee) Act, 2009, and they have to collect the fee determined by the School Fee Determination Committee, the Madras High Court has ruled.A division bench comprising Justice R Banumathi and Justice R Subbiah gave the ruling, while dismissing a batch of 23 writ petitions from the Association of Management of Private Schools (CBSE) and 22 other individual schools in the State, on Friday.In its 105-page judgment, the bench said that the CBSE and the ICSE schools are ‘private schools’ within the meaning of Sec 2(j) of the TN Schools (Regulation of Collection of Fee) Act and its other provisions. The committee has the power to determine the fee and verify whether the fee collected by these schools is commensurate with the facilities provided, it said.In so far as CBSE/ICSE schools were concerned, the State had the bounden duty to ensure that the fee collected by them was commensurate with the facilities provided, the bench said. The Chennai region has 2,350 CBSE schools.first published:September 22, 2012, 09:09 ISTlast updated:September 22, 2012, 09:09 IST 
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Schools affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and Indian Certificate Secondary Education (ICSE) will also come under the purview of the TN (Regulation of Collection of Fee) Act, 2009, and they have to collect the fee determined by the School Fee Determination Committee, the Madras High Court has ruled.

A division bench comprising Justice R Banumathi and Justice R Subbiah gave the ruling, while dismissing a batch of 23 writ petitions from the Association of Management of Private Schools (CBSE) and 22 other individual schools in the State, on Friday.

In its 105-page judgment, the bench said that the CBSE and the ICSE schools are ‘private schools’ within the meaning of Sec 2(j) of the TN Schools (Regulation of Collection of Fee) Act and its other provisions. The committee has the power to determine the fee and verify whether the fee collected by these schools is commensurate with the facilities provided, it said.

In so far as CBSE/ICSE schools were concerned, the State had the bounden duty to ensure that the fee collected by them was commensurate with the facilities provided, the bench said. The Chennai region has 2,350 CBSE schools.

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