TJAC to stop YSRCPs inroads into Telangana
TJAC to stop YSRCPs inroads into Telangana

The Telangana Joint Action Committee will prepare an action plan to check YSR Congress Party’s activities in the Telangana region.

TJAC chairman Kodandaram told reporters here on Monday that they would  obstruct the activities of all political parties which had not come out openly in support of the demand for creation of a separate Telangana state. Political leaders can tour the region in individual capacitypersonally but they would not be allowed to carry out political activity, he said.

Strongly criticising YSRCP leader Vijayamma’s Sricilla dharna, Kodandaram accused the police of helping her with heavy security. He  condemned alleged YSRCP and police attacks on Telangana activists and said the TJAC would stage protests in the region on Tuesday. If the YRSCP had sympathy for the Telangana sentiment why did it not declare its support for Telangana demand? he asked.

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