Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams Releases Special Entry Darshan Tickets
Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams Releases Special Entry Darshan Tickets
Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams released the quota of Rs 300 special entrance darshan tickets for September earlier today at 10 am.

The world-renowned Tirumala is thronged with devotees every single day. The seven hills resound with the remembrance of Lord Vishnu’s name. Lakhs of devotees from different states come to Tirumala’s Sri Venkateswara Swami Temple and the place is crowded with people regularly. In this context, Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) has recently released good news for the devotees.

Regular devotees have been coming to Tirumala in large numbers for the past few months. This has made it difficult for the devotees to see Srivari Seva and take rooms. Hence, TTD is releasing darshan tickets and room quotas for devotees.

The quota of Rs 300 special entrance darshan tickets for September was released earlier today at 10 am. Similarly, the room quota for September will be released today at 3 pm. Those who want to book darshan tickets and rooms can book online. Tirumala Tirupati Srivari Seva Quota will be released on June 27 at 11 am.

Devotees coming to Tirumala can book darshan tickets, accommodation rooms, and service quotas through the official website at https://ttdevasthanams.ap.gov.in, TTD said. At present, the number of devotees in Tirumala is high. Meanwhile, the TTD officials have made all the arrangements so that the devotees who came to Tirumala do not face any difficulties. Meals, buttermilk, drinking water, breakfast and medical facilities are provided continuously in the queues and compartments.

Devotees without their Darshan tickets will not be allowed inside the Sri Venkateswara Swami Temple. The pilgrim shall produce the same original photo ID used during the booking at the time of entry. There is also an age-proof certificate required for children below 12 years to get free entry. The pilgrims have to wear the traditional dress only, like a dhoti, shirt or kurta and pyjama for men, while a saree, half saree or churidar with dupatta for females. Any electronic gadgets or luggage are not allowed while reporting.

The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams launched the Srivari Seva voluntary service in 2000 to offer better services to the pilgrims who come to Tirumala for the darshan of Sri Venkateswara Swamy. The service is being utilized in more than five dozen areas in Tirumala.

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