'The Wolf Of Wall Street' Tweet Review
'The Wolf Of Wall Street' Tweet Review
Martin Scorsese is back with 'The Wolf of the Wall Street' with his favourite actor Leonardo DiCaprio in the lead.

New Delhi: Martin Scorsese doesn't need to prove anything else. A quick look at his filmography will convince you about his calibre. The maverick director is back with a new film called 'The Wolf of the Wall Street' with his favourite actor Leonardo DiCaprio in the lead.

The film is based on a book by Jordan Belfort who is a motivational speaker and a former stockbroker. He was sent to federal prison for frauds related to market manipulation.

The film also features Jonah Hill and Margot Robbie in important roles. Scorsese is going to recreate the old world of Wall Street where everybody wanted to seek benefits from a growing economy.

5:37 PM: Stay tuned for the tweet review of The Wolf of Wall Street. #Wolfofwallstreet

5:39 PM: Martin Sorsese is back with a film based on the unpredictable business of stocks. #Wolfofwallstreet

5:40 PM: Leonardo DiCaprio plays the role of a maverick stockbroker Jordom Belfort in #Wolfofwallstreet.

5:42 PM: The film is based on the memoirs of Jordon Belfort who was accused of economic frauds. #Wolfofwallstreet

5:44 PM: The film has a brilliant opening like most of Scorsese films. Hope it remains the same till the end. #Wolfofwallstreet

5:45 PM: We don't create things, we create situations. The rules of Wall Street are awesome. #Wolfofwallstreet

5:47 PM: Mathew McConaughey is the man to watch out for as Mark Hanna in #Wolfofwallstreet.

5:49 PM: Leonardo DiCaprio is at it again. He his proving his calibre in #Wolfofwallstreet.

5:50 PM: Jonah Hill is Donnie Azoff. He is tailor made for this role. #Wolfofwallstreet

5:53 PM: We are talking about the whales here and talent is your weapon. Life lessons from #Wolfofwallstreet are interesting.

5:59 PM: Martin Scorsese's sense of humour is as mesmerising as ever. #Wolfofwallstreet has a good tempo.

6:03 PM: Margot Robbie is trying hard to match up to the expectations. #Wolfofwallstreet

6:11 PM: Money, money and some more money. But, was everything about the money only? Certainly not. #Wolfofwallstreet

6:17 PM: The solution of every problem lies in being rich. #Wolfofwallstreet is complete madness. Perfectly crafted film.

6:22 PM: #Wolfofwallstreet has some crude moments but the actors are making everything vivid. Leonardo DiCaprio is in the driver's seat.

6:25 PM: At times it looks superficial but then it's about a particular character.The US economy was benefitted due to such people. #Wolfofwallstreet

6.38 PM: Jordon Belfort was a great orator and DiCaprio is playing him in an innovative way. #Wolfofwallstreet is getting intense.

6.47 PM: The structure of #Wolfofwallstreet is different from latest Scorsese films. It's more commercial as well.

7 PM: Leonardo DiCaprio is making it look easy but this multi layered character is very tough in reality. #Wolfofwallstreet

7.06 PM: Economic frauds are much more dangerous than what they look from the outset. #Wolfofwallstreet captures this.

7.14 PM: The film reaches its climax. Hope it turns out to be a fitting finale. #Wolfofwallstreet

7.22 PM: #Wolfofwallstreet is a long film but nicely paced. Scorsese manages to keep it interesting till the last moment.

7.50 PM: The film finishes at a predictable note but then we always knew the original story. #Wolfofwallstreet

7.52 PM: #Wolfofwallstreet is another good film from Martin Scorsese. DiCaprio carries the film on his shoulders. He is the star of this story.

7.53 PM: The length of the film could be a problem for some but the story keeps the audience engaged. #Wolfofwallstreet

7.54 PM: #Wolfofwallstreet is not a film to miss this weekend even if you know the story beforehand.

7.56 PM: Thanks for being with us throughout the tweet review of #Wolfofwallstreet. Stay tuned for more film updates.

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