New Delhi: Millions of American women take birth control pills, but not many know that the pill could kill their libido.
A study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine says the pill may suppress sex drive in some women, even after they stop taking the medication.
Doctors say it is well known that birth control pills can effect the libido, but this is the first study that shows the effect could linger for months, possibly years, after a woman goes off the pill.
The study looked at 124 pre-menopausal women with sexual dysfunction issues.
Loss of libido, muted or non-existent orgasms and painful intercourse emerged as some of the side effects of the pill.
Researchers found women who stopped using the pill for six months to a year, had twice the amount of a protein called Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) in their bloodstreams than non-pill users.
SHBG lowers the testosterone level in a woman's body, which suppresses female sex drive.
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