Thai coup rulers choose interim PM
Thai coup rulers choose interim PM
Thailand's military rulers have chosen a former army commander as interim Prime Minister following their coup.

Bangkok: Thailand's military rulers have chosen Surayud Chulanont, a former army commander and close adviser to the country's powerful monarch, as interim Prime Minister following their coup, the auditor general has been quoted as saying.

Auditor General Jaruvan Maintaka revealed the choice in comments to reporters on Thursday that later appeared on an official government website.

"Yes, definitely, General Surayud is the Prime Minister. He is the suitable person," Jaruvan was quoted as saying by the Public Relations Department.

However, she later denied making those comments. When telephoned about the details on Friday, she told the Associated Press: "I didn't say so." The conflicting accounts could not immediately be reconciled.

Bangkok newspapers carried headlines that Surayud would probably head the new government. His appointment was expected to be announced this weekend or Monday, after it receives approval from King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

Surayud, a highly regarded 62-year-old retired officer, was selected by the country's ruling military council which seized power from Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra in a bloodless coup Sept 19 while the premier was abroad. The council vowed to name a civilian Prime Minister within two weeks.

Akara Thiroj, a spokesman for the council, said an interim constitution has already been completed and sent to the Royal Palace. He hoped the constitution could be announced tomorrow or Sunday and followed by the formal announcement of the Prime Minister on the weekend or Monday.

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