Spain keen to cooperate with Delhi on pollution, waste
Spain keen to cooperate with Delhi on pollution, waste
Aristegui asked Sisodia and Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to visit Madrid in Spain to see the technology used for waste recycling.

New Delhi: The Ambassador of Spain Gustavo De Aristegui on Friday called on Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi Manish Sisodia and discussed areas of cooperation with regard to vehicular pollution and waste management in the city.

Aristegui asked Sisodia and Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to visit Madrid in Spain to see the technology used for waste recycling.

Sisodia raised the issue of vehicular pollution in the city, saying, "There are trucks running in every part of the world, but why are the pollution levels different? We need to know international techniques being used."

To this, the Ambassador explained the concept of 'Green Police' in his country. The green police, which is a part of municipal police, checks polluting vehicles in Spain.

According to an official, Sisodia also expressed interest in knowing the technology being used in Spain for waste management and water recycling.

Sisodia also informed Spanish delegation that water was one of the most important things for Delhi and the government is open to learn new techniques for better water management and recycling.

The Deputy Chief Minister told the delegation that Delhi government would be keen to have presentations from Spain's experts on the subjects discussed and the techniques they use.

He also said that the experts will have to closely see the issues of Delhi to have a better understanding of the problems the city faces.

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