See the light of your soul
See the light of your soul

When our breathing becomes rhythmic, we become very calm. We become the personification of peace. When the mind is calm, we begin to imbibe divinity. We absorb, assimilate and emit divine vibrations. When we connect ourselves to our soul through Aum, even if we get disconnected, appropriate and timely circumstances are created to reset our breathing rhythm and reconnect us. The wonderful thing is that when we remain aware of our breath, we stop thinking about unnecessary thoughts. When we stop thinking these thoughts, we also stop worrying. Otherwise, both of them form a vicious cycle together and thinking leads to worrying and worrying leads to thinking, thus disrupting the natural rhythm of our breath. When we lose the rhythm of our breath, we become stressed and tensed.

So, thinking, worrying, stress and tension obstruct the free flow of our energy and create knots or energy blocks within us. When we chant Aum, it dissolves all these blocks and we become a source of tremendous power. The moment we stop thinking and worrying, our true power comes out from within us. We become the most powerful people in the whole world. This is the truth. How powerful are we now? If we are powerful, whatever we think happens. If nothing happens even when we think and plan continuously, it means that our inner power is still locked away and we are not doing the right things to bring it out. Then, instead of being big heroes, we become big zeroes. We only think big and talk big, but are really hollow inside because our speech has no power. However, when we unlock the door to the soul by chanting Aum, it empowers our speech. As it brings rhythm into our breath, it also eliminates unnecessary thoughts. Then, being completely activated, our soul says, “Your way of thinking till now has drained you of all your energy. First, I will burn the roots of your thoughts. Then I will teach you the right way to think.”

My friend, if you observe your mental state since you began practising breathing techniques a few days ago, you will find that you are thinking much less than you normally do. There is a great deal of blankness in your mind. This blankness is the pristine purity which eliminates your compulsive thinking. During the past three days, you have been aware of the peace, joy and bliss that are pulsating within you. You don’t really want to think about anything because this has burnt the very root of our thoughts.

You may ask what is wrong with thinking. Let us look at a small example. A pod of cotton has many seeds concealed inside it, but if we want to take them out, we must patiently sift through all the cotton first. Just as the fluffy cotton hides the seeds, our thoughts conceal the soul which is at our very core. That is why we have to drop compulsive thinking if we want to see the light of our soul.

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