Saudi Arabia may deport terror suspect to India
Saudi Arabia may deport terror suspect to India
Sources have told CNN-IBN that the procedures to deport Fasih Mehmood from Saudi Arabia are already underway.

New Delhi: Fasih Mehmood, the terror suspect held in Saudi Arabia, is likely to be deported to India as early as next week. Sources have told CNN-IBN that the procedures to deport him are already underway.

Fasih, who hails from Bihar, is wanted by both the Delhi and Bangalore police. He is a suspect in the 2010 Bangalore Chinnaswamy Stadium blast and the Jama Masjid shooting in Delhi.

Security agencies claim he knows all top operatives of the Indian Mujahideen including Riyaz and Iqbal Bhatkal. But his family insists he is innocent.

"I wish his early arrival in India. I am sure he is innocent. I will always be with him. The case should come to an end soon. If he is innocent he should be freed soon, or punish him if he is guilty. I don't want him freed after 15 or more years later, saying he is innocent," his wife Nikhat Parveen said.

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