Readerspeak: 'Nature's ringing alarm bells'
Readerspeak: 'Nature's ringing alarm bells'
On World Environment Day a concerned IBNlive reader, Tarun D’silva shares his feelings in this poem.

It's World Environment Day today. As the world community grapples for answers to the multitude of environmental crises emerging on the surface of earth, a concerned IBNlive reader, Tarun D’silva from Hubli, (Karnataka) shares his feelings in this poem.


People are now no longer eco-friendly;

Instead they have become techno savvy.

Birds and animals need our mercy,

But, whereas, we show our whims and fancies!

We have cut more trees to put up cities and factories.

So, no fresh breeze, instead in health we wheeze.

The world is swarming with global warming;

And nature is harming all our farming,

With floods, droughts, and what not.

It's nature's fury we've got.

People gloat with scotch, instead of a serious climate watch;

They do not want to see the media's torch,

As, they are careless, about nature in hotchpotch!

Despite nature ringing its alarm bells,

Everyone enjoys to be in their well

Of politics, business, and poverty, which has made us all naughty and haughty.

And though Nature is up in flames,

No one wants to take the blame,

Because, everyone wants to play their destructive game!

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