Protesters clash with riot police in Greece
Protesters clash with riot police in Greece
A peaceful protest by about 20,000 people quickly degenerated into violence.

Athens: A general strike disrupted services across Greece and riots erupted once more outside Parliament as demonstrators protested more taxes and spending cuts essential for the country to receive critical bailout funds that will prevent a potentially disastrous default.

Inside Parliament, lawmakers debated on Tuesday new austerity measures which must be passed on Wednesday and Thursday if Greece's international creditors are to release the next 12 billion batch of the country's 110 billion bailout and prevent a default that could drag down European banks and shake the European and world economy.

But the measures, which include spending cuts and tax hikes on even those on minimum wages, have caused widespread outrage.

Unions embarked on a two-day general strike on Tuesday, halting nearly all public transport, forcing airlines to reschedule or cancel dozens of flights and bringing public services to a standstill.

A peaceful protest by about 20,000 people quickly degenerated into violence, with riot police firing volleys of tear gas and stun grenades to keep back hooded youths pelting them with thousands of chunks of ripped up paving stones and marble chipped from building facades and steps. Police said 37 policemen were injured during yesterday's riots, while 14 protesters were arrested. Emergency services said nine protesters were injured.

Greece is no stranger to violent demonstrations or strikes, and they are not expected to derail the parliamentary votes but they have added to an atmosphere of deep dissatisfaction.

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