PML in US ask Musharraf to step down
PML in US ask Musharraf to step down
Dozens of volunteers of the PML in the US has asked the UN to pressurise the "military dictator" to step aside.

New York: Shouting slogans against President Pervez Musharraf, dozens of volunteers of the Pakistan Muslim League (PML) in the US has asked the UN to pressurise the "military dictator" to step aside and restore democracy in the country.

Observing the sixth anniversary of Musharraf taking over power ousting democratically elected Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a bloodless coup on October 12, 1999 as a "black day," they said Musharraf has lost "all credibility" by making false promises to restore democracy in the country.

Branding him as "dictator" and "terrorist, the PML-USA asked the world body yesterday to help conduct "free and fair" elections in which all political parties participate.

A resolution adopted by the League and being sent to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan requests the world body to oversee the next elections. They said former Prime Ministers Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto should be allowed to participate in the polls.

If Musharraf wants to remain in power, he should shed uniform, and get a fresh mandate from the people in a United Nations supervised "transparent, free and fair" election.

The resolution asked the international community to treat Musharraf just as it would treat any other dictator who has "consistently" violated the human rights of is own people.

Stating that Pakistanis are "deeply troubled" by the lack of democracy and prolonged military rule in Pakistan, it urged Annan to play a "positive role" in protecting civil rights of the people.

During two-hour long demonstration in front of the UN headquarters yesterday, the protestors waved placards asking Musharraf to step down.

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