Paris: Eiffel Tower evacuated after bomb scare
Paris: Eiffel Tower evacuated after bomb scare
Hundreds of people were visiting the site when France's anti-terrorism police made the decision to evacuate it.

Paris: Paris' iconic Eiffel Tower was evacuated on Saturday after a bomb scare. About 1,500 people were visiting the site when France's anti-terrorism police made the decision to evacuate it.

The site was evacuated after an anonymous call warned of the attack. However, the security alert was lifted after the tower was thoroughly searched.

Around 6.30 pm, the police advised all the people on the site to leave. In less than an hour later, around 1,500 visitors and employees were evacuated peacefully.

A security perimeter was established around La Tour Eiffel, as the Eiffel Tower is called in French, immediately. Police brought sniffer dogs to search the tower, looking for possible explosives.

Security has been stepped up across France amid concerns over the fallout of the military campaign in Mali.

(With Additional Inputs From IANS)

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