Opposition to target chandy in Assembly
Opposition to target chandy in Assembly
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Even before the beginning of the Assembly session, starting from  September 26, the atmosphere turned ten..

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Even before the beginning of the Assembly session, starting from  September 26, the atmosphere turned tense with the Thiruvananthapuram Vigilance Judge P K Haneefa’s decision to withdraw from hearing the palmolein case. If the immediate responses of the LDF leaders on the issue are any indication, it is certain that Chief Minister Oommen Chandy would have to bear the brunt of attack. The Opposition will single out the Chief Minister for attack for taking a stand supportive of Government Chief Whip P C George.The LDF leaders are of the view that the Chief Minister colluded with George sent a petition seeking action against the Vigilance Judge. V S Achuthanandan’s stand that George was acting on behalf of the Chief Minister and tried to intimidate the Vigilance Judge  will cause ripples in the Assembly in the days to come. Opposition deputy leader Kodiyeri Balakrishnan already said that the Chief Minister had failed to protect the Judiciary functioning in a free and fair manner. The fact that Senior IAS official Jiji Thomson’s petition in the High Court against the proceedings against him has also been cited as a strategy to intimidate the court. This argument may be getting strengthened following High Court Judge N K Balakrishnan’s withdrawal from hearing the case. It is reliably learnt that the Opposition would argue that under Section 173-178 of the CrPC, if a fresh fact comes to light in the court, the court can direct for further probe. It is pointed out that T H Musthafa, the former minister in the Karunakaran Ministry and cabinet colleague of Ooommen Chandy, had submitted an affidavit that the file pertaining to the palmolein import was pending with the then Finance Minister Oommen Chandy for over nine months and he was made a witness in the case and the same criteria should be adopted in his case too. In view of the affidavit, the Vigilance was seeking further probe. But with the change of Guard in the Government, the Vigilance had made a somersault by claiming that no fresh evidence was there against Oommen Chandy. But the court, taking the fresh facts into account, found in Musthafa’s affidavit, issued orders for further probe, the LDF sources said.   It is pointed out that the UDF leaders, especially the Chief Minister, is behind Jiji Thomson’s decision to file a petition challenging the proceedings against him.There has been a talk in the government circles that Jiji Thomson, presently on Central deputation will be brought back to Kerala and will be given an important posting. The LDF sources are of the view that he may given the plum post of the Home Secretary.

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