No military solution to terrorism: Kayani
No military solution to terrorism: Kayani
Ashfaq Parvez Kayani said Pakistan firmly believes in taking stern action against all terrorists groups.

Islamabad: Pakistan's powerful army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani on Wednesday pledged to continue the fight against al-Qaeda and its affiliates but said there could be no military solution to the problem of terrorism.

"Pakistan's commitment to the war against al-Qaeda and its affiliates is total and unwavering. Pakistan firmly believes in taking stern action against all terrorists groups," Kayani said in his address to a seminar at Mingora in Swat district, a former stronghold of the Taliban.

The army is "determined to lead the fight on terror in partnership with other law enforcement agencies" and in line with the constitution, Kayani said.

"Let me reiterate that there is no military solution to terrorism since military strategy can only provide an enabling environment," he added.

Terrorism has to be tackled "in the domain of national security, which warrants a comprehensive response entailing synergy by all elements of national power", he said without giving details.

The seminar was organised by the military to discuss ways to de-radicalise persons who were earlier under the influence of militants.

The Taliban had established a parallel administration in Swat and controlled most parts of the scenic region located 160 km from Islamabad till the army launched an operation in 2009 to flush out the rebels.

The Pakistan Army is following a "well thought out campaign plan" against the militants that is succeeding and "providing space to other organs of the state, which must expeditiously build on military success" to achieve durable peace and stability, Kayani said.

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