No Cap on Number of Academicians Holding Professor Emeritus Post, As Per Rules, Says JNUTA
No Cap on Number of Academicians Holding Professor Emeritus Post, As Per Rules, Says JNUTA
The JNU Registrar had issued a statement saying there is a 'huge skew' in the earlier appointments and this was done to make the process 'broad-based' so that more Professors Emeriti can be appointed.

New Delhi: The JNU Teachers' Association (JNUTA) on Thursday said the "new rational" by the registrar on appointment of Professors Emeriti has subjected the varsity to "ridicule" internationally and claimed there is no cap on the number of academicians holding the post.

The JNU Registrar had on Wednesday issued a statement saying there is a "huge skew" in the earlier appointments and this was done to make the process "broad-based" so that more Professors Emeriti can be appointed.

In a statement, the association claimed that "as per rules, there is no cap on the number of Professors Emeriti at all and that no deserving professor could have missed out on being designated one because of it."

"Any professor can nominate another professor for his or her contribution to the discipline and society to emeritus status. Thus, the JNU Registrar's insinuations about 'huge skews' and 'missed opportunities for deserving retired faculty' are just attempts to cover up what always been an intent to dishonour," it said.

"The JNU registrar has offered an entirely new rationale for the ridicule he is subjecting the university to internationally. We demand that all the 12 Professors Emeriti deserve a retraction of the Registrar's letter and a formal apology at the earliest," the JNUTA said.

The JNU administration's decision to ask historian Romila Thapar to submit her CV for assessment for her continuation as professor emeritus had drawn sharp criticism from various quarters with JNUTA terming it "politically motivated".

Following this the university's Registrar on Monday said that there are 11 others who have also been asked to submit their CVs.

The varsity said "no single emeritus professor has been targeted, as has been falsely alleged", and "it has only sought to implement a rule that is part of the university's ordinance".

"Several news reports and social media opinions have been circulating giving one sided views on the issue of Professor Emeritus position in JNU. Clearly, there is a motive to defame administrative reforms and application of rules that are based on statutes and ordinances of the university by the administration," it had said.

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