Man tries self-immolation in front of PMO
Man tries self-immolation in front of PMO
Abhishek Kumar from Jharkhand set himself on fire on Saturday afternoon.

New Delhi: In a shocking incident, a young man set himself on fire near the Ministry of Defence in Delhi on Saturday afternoon.

Abhishek Kumar has been admitted to the hospital with severe burn injuries. Kumar hails from Jharkhand and says he was working as a plumber in Kuwait.

He reportedly set himself on fire after failing to meet the Prime Minister. It is still not known why he wanted to meet the PM.

Police say they are not in a position to comment on his condition yet. What is shocking is that the incident happened in such a high security zone and eyewitnesses allege cops present at the spot did not do anything to prevent it.

"I beat his lower body with a pillow to quell the flames, finally they went out," explained one eyewitness.

"The police did nothing to help him, they passed by him but did nothing," said the other eyewitness.

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