Love lives get fast-paced
Love lives get fast-paced
For many singles tired of the bar scene and weary of blind dates, speed dating offers a fun and safe alternative.

In the world of quickie romances and shotgun relationships, finding the perfect match is nothing short of an olympian task.

But with the concept of speed dating catching on, many a lovelorn singles are finally looking at their love-life with some hope.

Fill up a 4-page form, shell out five hundred bucks and chances are you might end up with a date by the end of the speed dating session.

To some, the idea may sound weird, but when a single gets to meet 40 prospective dates for just Rs.500, it's not that bad a deal afterall.

How is this possible, you ask? Although each date lasts a mere three minutes, what makes speed dating different is that the participants have the same objective — to meet a potential companion.

Following three minutes of conversation, a bell is rung, and the person move on to meet their next date. Think of it as a flirt's version of musical chairs.

After each such meeting, the participants are asked to mark on a card whether they would have an interest in meeting their date again.

If a mutual interest is noted, speed-dating organisers provide each party with the other's contact details.

Based on a Jewish tradition of chaperoned gatherings for young singles, the concept of speed dating was devised by Rabbi Yaacov Deyo in 1999.

To begin with, it was a way to keep Jewish singles from marrying outside the faith. But over the years, the movement has flourished in both Jewish and secular communities throughout the world.

The popularity of speed dating is growing at a rapid pace, but the question is — Is speed dating the new revolution in relationships or just a idle soul's fad ?

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