Kiss showbiz goodbye, family tells Britney
Kiss showbiz goodbye, family tells Britney
Britney Spears family is keeping a constant eye on her and don't allow her to go out.

London: The family members of troubled pop star Britney Spears want her to leave showbiz. They are keeping a constant eye on her and don't allow her to go out, not even with her cousins.

"Britney desperately wanted to come out with us to party tonight but we had to tell her 'no'. She needs to rein herself in. She needs to take a break from the limelight, from showbiz, and just concentrate on getting herself better, and being with her family," quoted Spears' cousin Alli Simms as saying.

"Every day's a struggle but Britney is getting a bit better day by day. I was with her recently and as a family, we take it in turns to be with her and watch over her 24x7,” Simms added.

"But it was just great that she was able to come out with us earlier - it's a small step but an important one. Britney is so anxious and so on-the-edge right now. She is incredibly keen to go out and doesn't understand when we tell her that it's not a good idea further added.

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