JLo's newborn twins getting a taste of diva life
JLo's newborn twins getting a taste of diva life
Lopez has employed a trained colour therapist to paint the nursery in “health enhancing” hues.

Washington: Jennifer Lopez seems determined to give her newborn twins the best and most luxurious start in life, for she has issued an extraordinary set of baby friendly demands to her domestic staff and entourage.

The singer-actress has devoted one wing of her and husband Marc Anthony's Manhattan home to the tots—Max and Emme—who were born last month.

She has also employed a trained colour therapist to paint the nursery in “health enhancing” hues, and ordered 600-count Egyptian cotton cot linen, designer Babygros, diamond-engraved rattles and two small Shetland ponies for the babies.

"Jennifer has gone all-out to give the twins an amazing childhood. She had the nursery painted a beautiful aquamarine and light blue - colours which are supposed to have intelligence boosting properties," the Mirror quoted a source, as saying.

"She listened to classical music throughout her pregnancy and is now having music piped through to the nursery to help relax her youngsters. She has employed a professional baby masseuse to come in once or twice a week and is also superparanoid about hygiene.

"The twins' wing is totally sterile and all flowers and presents are stored in a separate room, so they don't contaminate the babies' area. It may sound excessive but she's only got her kids' best interests at heart and wants to give them the start in life she never had," the source added.

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