Israel Prez's house raided in sex case
Israel Prez's house raided in sex case
Israeli police have raided President Moshe Katsav's residence and seized computers and documents.

Jerusalem: Israeli police have raided President Moshe Katsav's residence and seized computers and documents following claims by a former employee that he coerced her into engaging in sexual relations with him.

The raid at the President's residence took place on Monday night.

In a statement after the raid, Katsav's office said he would cooperate with the investigation. "The President is interested in giving his full version and to prove the lies of the serious accusations."

Police had earlier said that Katsav, who faces possible rape charges, would be questioned in the coming days.

Investigators have yet to determine which specific charges will be brought against the President on the basis of the woman's accusations.

If the former employee's claims that she was powerless in turning away the President's advances are deemed credible, the investigation would focus on possible rape charges against the Katsav, daily Ha'aretz reported quoting law enforcement officials last week.

Intimate relations with a woman who is precluded from providing full consent by her own volition is considered rape by law.

“If, however, investigators find the relations were consensual then police could recommend charging Katsav with ‘forbidden consensual intercourse,’ a statute, which forbids exploiting a position of authority in the workplace for the purposes of having sex,” the daily said.

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