If you know how 'Dark Knight' ends, don't tell me
If you know how 'Dark Knight' ends, don't tell me
'The Dark Knight Rises' spoilers have seriously upset Batman fans and they are taking no hostages on Twitter.

New Delhi: It started as a silly, free-for-all hash tag joke and snowballed into a direct message battle to force upon the uninitiated the final scene of the most awaited film of the year. 'The Dark Knight Rises' spoilers have seriously upset Batman fans and they are taking no hostages on Twitter.

People on Twitter have tackled malware, virus, spam and hacks. But this is an entirely different kettle of fish. "Batman dies in the end, I just saved you $20" tweets cropped up on the timeline leading to outraged responses from fans waiting to get their hands on a ticket.

It may or may not be true, we are not telling you how TDKR ends, but spoilers found their way into the direct messages of people and flooded the mentions page - triggering a good-natured spoof hash tag #TDKRSpoilers used to make bizarre claims about the Christopher Nolan epic saga.

TDKR is the third and final film in the Batman trilogy. An injured Bruce Wayne, played by Christian Bale, is forced to come out of his self-imposed exile when terrorist leader Bane (Tom Hardy) attacks Gotham. He is the reluctant superhero who has to rise to the task of defending Gotham with the aid of Police Commissioner James Gordan (Gary Oldman) and Catwoman Anne Hathaway.

It is practically impossible to know the climax of the film, but that did not stop people to speculate about the fate of Batman. Does he succumb to his injuries? Does he live and pass on the baton to an able protege? Does he escape Gotham?

Well, you will have to see the film to find out but till then if you know the climax of Batman 3, don't tell me!

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