Government doctors to boycott VIP duties
Government doctors to boycott VIP duties
The boycott is part of the ongoing strike in connection with the Satnam Singh custodial death case

The government doctors in the state will boycott the VIP duties during the ‘Emerging Kerala’ meet, said Dr O Vasudevan, president of Kerala Government Medical Officer’s Association, at a press conference here on Saturday.

The boycott is part of the ongoing strike against the government’s refusal to revoke the transfer orders issued to six doctors in connection with the Satnam Singh custodial death case.

“The Chief Minister and the Health Minister are convinced that the accused doctors are innocent but no measure has been taken to revoke the order,” he said.

The association said that it was the responsibility of the government to find substitutes for the VIP duty and that the inability to find doctors can only be termed as a failure on the part of the government.

The KGMOA also warned that direct methods of protest would be taken up after September 27 if their demands are not met by then.

Currently, the association is undertaking a non-cooperation strike, boycotting all field-level public health activities, government programmes, medical camps, field visits, National Rural Health Mission’s programmes and other official meetings.

The consultation and treatment services have not been hampered.

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