Gone Viral: Pantene's new commercial condemns gender stereotypes
Gone Viral: Pantene's new commercial condemns gender stereotypes
The new advertisement depicts the discrimination that exists between the sexes.

There is no denying the fact that television commercials have often been used to reinforce gender stereotypes that exist in our society. While many feel these advertisements are safe, there are those who condemn such commercials for sending out a wrong message to the masses. Pantene Philippines' new commercial, which has been created with the key idea of putting an end to labels against women, is being referred to as an 'inspiring' and 'extraordinary' commercial on Twitter, which explains the impact it has left on the minds of the viewers. The ad depicts the discrimination that exists between the sexes by referring to a male superior as 'boss' and a female superior as 'bossy'. It also puts forth the biased perception about female workers. Unlike male workers who are appreciated at workplace for being 'persuasive' and 'dedicated', their female counterparts are portrayed as 'pushy' and 'selfish' figures. Watch the commercial here.


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