Dog menace continues in Bangalore
Dog menace continues in Bangalore
BANGALORE: The increasing number of stray dogs in Domlur is giving sleepless nights to residents. Every night the dogs in the area..

BANGALORE: The increasing number of stray dogs in Domlur is giving sleepless nights to residents. Every night the dogs in the area get together for some old fashioned car chasing and howling, which creates a frustrating din among the people in the area finding it unbearable.Also in danger are pedestrians and two wheeler riders who come home after 11pm as they are chased mercilessly by dogs nipping at their ankles. Dogs may be considered man’s best friend but unfortunately dog bite incidents appear to be increasing year after year.The BBMP dog catching squad seems to have forgotten about the Domlur area entirely. To add more to the misery, these dogs feast on garbage dumped on the road side which inspite of efforts by the BBMP, still is a major problem in some lanes of the ward.“I work night shift and getting chased by dogs has become an everyday battle for me, I am scared to think of what I will do if one of them bites me someday,” says Rishi Basu, a resident. He adds that running away from the dogs is not the correct choice to make. “If you stand there they will just stare at you and growl.The moment you start moving they chase you. The sheer numbers that is scary,” he says.“They start howling around 4 am everyday, it has played havoc with my entire sleep schedule,” says Trisha, a resident. “My house is on the main road and this just worsens the problem, I cannot remember the last time I slept an entire night in the past few months,” she adds.“Just a few days back the dog catching squad came and caught three dogs, but they were sterilised and left back according to the rules. I am aware of the nuisance but there is nothing we can do about it,” says Geetha Sreenivas Reddy, Councillor for the Ward.Dog catching in the city has seen much opposition from animal lovers inspite of assurances that the dogs would not be culled. Estimates by the BBMP put the number of stray dogs in the city around 2.5 Lakh.

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