Designing the perfect smiles
Designing the perfect smiles
He is the man behind a thousand beautiful smiles. If you thought smile correction is a long procedure and can be afforded only by ..

He is the man behind a thousand beautiful smiles. If you thought smile correction is a long procedure and can be afforded only by the rich and the famous, Dr Thomas Paulose Nechupadam will prove you wrong. A master of cosmetic contouring of the teeth, Dr Thomas corrects a client’s smile in just half an hour. “Cosmetic contouring of the teeth involves reshaping and straightening natural teeth,” says the doctor.The contestants of the Miss Queen of India 2011 beauty contest held recently in the city were fortunate enough to have their smiles corrected at the Dental Spa run by Dr Thomas at the Ramada Resort, a brainchild of Ramada corporate sales and marketing head Nirmala Lilly and Dr Thomas. “The spa at Ramada is like a hidden treasure waiting to be explored. We believe the dental spa will soon attract more clients even from the city,” says Nirmala.So what is a dental spa, you might be wondering.  “A hospital atmosphere is scary for most patients. We do all the procedures a normal dental clinic does but the comfort level will be high,” says Dr Thomas who uses the latest gadgets and treatments so the discomfort for the patients is minimal. “Whatever treatments we do elevate the comfort levels of the patients. Instead of multiple sittings we do the procedures mostly in single sittings. For orthodontic treatment instead of stainless steel brackets and other ceramic brackets, we use Invu ceramic brackets. They will give not only an aesthetic appeal to the patients but are proving to be smoother, stronger and more reliable,” says the doctor.The spa mostly caters to corporate clients, NRIs and tourists. The doctor is busy at his dental clinic at the GCDA Complex on Marine Drive in the mornings, and takes appointments at the dental spa mostly in the evenings. “Evenings will be more convenient for guests staying at the resort so the dental treatments won’t cut into their travel and sight-seeing schedules in the mornings,” he says. Exclusively for the bride and groom, the spa is offering a unique bridal package for busy couples getting ready for marriage. This requires only an hour’s treatment. “There will be smile correction and teeth polishing for an extra glow for the special day, which will last even after the honeymoon. The package can be extended to the bride and grooms’ extended family too.”Those taking a dental spa are given a 10 percent discount on other wellness spas and treatments at the Ramada spa.  So now you know where to head to for that perfect smile. Dr Thomas can be contacted at [email protected].

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