CBSE Exams are Here, how can You Help your Teenager!
CBSE Exams are Here, how can You Help your Teenager!
The ways by which you can help your child develop and utilize certain necessary life skills like the thought process; usage of language both textual and symbolic; and self-management.

As March 5 is drawing closer, the anxiety of each student is increasing, however we mustn’t forget that the purpose of the whole education system is to prepare the children on doing great in their lives, so here are the ways by which you can help your child develop and utilize certain necessary life skills like the thought process; usage of language both textual and symbolic; and self-management.

Usually, the curriculum in our schools doesn’t cater to such life skills in particular and focuses more on the theoretical rather bookish knowledge and thus it is of absolute importance that the child must learn about these at home. This also serves as a golden opportunity of being more involved with your child’s life.

Start off by having a look at your child’s curriculum and interacting with him how he plans to learn, revise and practice his syllabus. Also tell him/her about how the skills or subjects being taught at school are important and are going to help him in day to day life.

Thought Process

This skill is about helping your child develop the kind of creative and critical thinking that children in the world require in accordance with the current scenario so as to grasp accurately from the information, experiences and notions.

You could help at home by having an open interaction with your child where he/she expresses their honest opinions or what they feel about things going around, this will help you understand the way they perceive things. Reward them when you find them using logical thinking to draw conclusions. This could be done easily by enacting a few scenarios like ‘what if’; imaginary friends, and all sorts of games.

A clear thought process can help your child immensely in drafting great answers as well as essays and articles.

Usage of both Textual and Symbolic Language

This part is all about the multiple ways of communicating and comprehending information and experiences.

The textual language has more of an emphasis on grammar and vocabulary that is to say how is your child using the words and is he using them in the right sense of the word or not. Playing word games like scrabble or conversing with your child in English can improve his textual language.

Symbolic language refers to the symbols like ‘@’ or ‘&’ or ‘%’ or ‘₹’ – what they mean, in what all contexts (if more than 1) are they used? Your child must at least know the basic and widely used symbols.


This is one of the least taught life skills but it is actually one of the most crucial ones in life. Self management refers to keeping yourself motivated and strong and having a ‘never give up’ sort of an attitude, in addition to being strong emotionally.

Reward your child when they’ve accomplished regular work or done their homework on their own. Tell them about how learning is a gradual and life long process and also when going through a tough study topic motivate them, keep them positive and do not let them slack and make excuses.

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