Anna University November/December Ph.D Examination 2017 Hall Tickets have been released by the university on its official website - coe1.annauniv.edu.
Ph.D examination is scheduled to be conducted in the month of November and December 2017. Candidates enrolled for the same can download their admit cards/hall tickets from the official website by following the steps given below.
How to Download Anna University November/ December Ph.D Examination 2017 Hall Tickets
Step 1 – Visit the official website- coe1.annauniv.edu
Step 2 – Log in to your profile with your credentials
Step 3 – Download your Admit Card and take a print out for further reference
The UG and PG Degree internal assessment examination is scheduled to be conducted from 15th November 2017.
About Anna University of Technology
Anna University of Technology was established on 4th September 1978 by the Government of Tamil Nadu. The current name "Anna University" was adopted in 1982. In 2001, the Anna University became an affiliating university by the effect of the Anna University Amendment Act of 2001, taking over all the engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu.
This included 6 government and 3 government-aided private institutions, and 426 self-financed colleges. On 1 February 2007, G-overnment of Tamil Nadu decided to divide it into 6 parts as 6 universities: Anna University, Chennai, Anna University of Technology, Chennai, Anna University of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Anna University of Technology, Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore, Anna University of Technology Tirunelveli and Anna University of Technology, Madura.
The Anna University offers engineering and technology courses from its affiliated colleges. Dual semester system is followed as examinations are conducted as even semester in May–June and odd semester in November–December. The first semester examination is conducted in January.
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