Amy Winehouse stubs out cigarette on own cheek!
Amy Winehouse stubs out cigarette on own cheek!
The incident took place in a London restaurant in front of horrified diners.

London: English singer songwriter Amy Winehouse has been sporting an ugly mark on her face for the past few days, the mark was caused when the star stubbed out her cigarette on her own cheek.

The incident had taken place in a London restaurant in front of horrified diners.

Amy had sat down with some friends at the restaurant, and was smoking when she was asked three times by the staff to put out her Marlboro Light because of the smoking ban.

When receiving the final warning, Amy stared directly into the waitress’s eyes and pushed the burning tip of the fag into her own face.

“She hardly flinched because she was so high. The whole place was open-mouthed in horror,” the Sun quoted a source as saying.

“She was so out of it that she didn’t feel the pain — everyone else looked completely stunned. The waitress covered her mouth in shock and just walked off to tell the manager. It was a shocking sight,” the source added.

Amy tried to conceal the wound with foundation, but without any success as it has now apparently become infected, causing her cheek to swell up.

Amy’s spokesperson said at the weekend that the singer was suffering from impetigo, explaining the rash on her left cheek.

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