Alarming Rise in Dengue, Malaria Cases in Telangana
Alarming Rise in Dengue, Malaria Cases in Telangana
As monsoon rains continue across Telangana, increasing number of dengue and malaria cases have gripped the state.

Hyderabad: As monsoon rains continue across Telangana, increasing number of dengue and malaria cases have gripped the state.

In Hyderabad alone, already over 70 cases of dengue have been reported. Though the state government claimed that they are prepared, but spurt in cases is alarming.

In last couple of days, hospitals across districts of Telangana are flooded with patients suffering from flu like symptoms.

As per government statistic, till July 19, 186 cases of Dengue have been confirmed out of 1,400 samples across Telangana. In 2015, only 40 cases were reported by this time.

Malaria has also gripped the state with 1,224 cases already reported. Highest number of 504 cases have been reported in Adilabad, followed by 459 in Khammam.

Dr Prabhavathi, Additional Director, NVBDCP Telangana, said, "We are doing anti larval operations. It is the collective responsibility of entire community. The diseases can be prevented if we can prevent mosquito bites."

Meanwhile, the health department has intensified drive to identify the pockets that are vulnerable to mosquito-borne diseases.

Officials are asking people to take precautionary measures.

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