Why Do People Use WhatsApp? Everything You Need to Know
Why Do People Use WhatsApp? Everything You Need to Know
WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, but it may not seem that way to everyone. It's not quite as popular in the U.S., although its presence is growing rapidly. So why do people use WhatsApp, and is there any benefit to using it instead of your normal texting app? This wikiHow article will run through everything you need to know about WhatsApp and why someone would choose to use it.
Things You Should Know
  • WhatsApp's end-to-end encryption makes it more secure than texting and other messaging apps.
  • Many people use WhatsApp internationally, as it's a free way to send messages to people all over the world.
  • WhatsApp can be used without a data connection, as calls and texts can be sent over Wi-Fi.

WhatsApp can be used internationally.

WhatsApp is one of the most used messaging apps in the world. It is especially prominent in Europe, India, and other parts of the globe. While WhatsApp may not be as omnipresent in the U.S., it's a vital app for anybody who wants to text or call family and friends abroad without paying international charges. Likewise, if you are traveling abroad, WhatsApp is a great way to keep communicating with your contacts your home country while avoiding the international charges that come with most mobile plans.

End-to-end encryption.

WhatsApp offers greater security and privacy than SMS. WhatsApp's end-to-end encryption is one of its most noteworthy features, as many people trust it over traditional SMS. Only a few other apps (Signal being one of them) can offer similar online safety to its users.

Cellular data is not required.

You can use WhatsApp to send messages and make calls over Wi-Fi. Making a traditional phone call often requires a data plan, but with WhatsApp, you can call and message others without any data connection at all. A simple Wi-Fi connection will suffice.

WhatsApp is free.

Take advantage of everything WhatsApp has to offer at no cost. WhatsApp is completely free, which is partly why it is so popular all around the world. You can use WhatsApp to text, voice chat, and video chat without paying hefty fees.

WhatsApp offers larger group conversations than texting.

WhatsApp group chats can include more people than most texting plans. SMS group chats can include up to 10 people, and even iMessage can only support up to 32. WhatsApp supports a whopping 256 members in a single group chat. This feature allows many users to create mass groups revolving around common interests or identities. You can build a group chat with you and your entire extended family, or one dedicated to fans of a sports team!

You can broadcast messages easily.

WhatsApp makes it easy to send out a mass text to your contacts. The Broadcast feature on WhatsApp allows you to blast a message out to as many of your contacts as you would like all at once. This wikiHow article can help you send a Broadcast message on WhatsApp.

Audio and video calls at no extra charge.

WhatsApp is more than just a reliable texting app. WhatsApp may be primarily used for text messaging, but its features could replace even more of your phone's core functions! With WhatsApp, you can make audio and video calls to any of your WhatsApp contacts. WhatsApp is owned by Meta (Facebook), so the same technology powers video calls on both WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

WhatsApp allows you to see your message status.

Monitor whether your texts have been sent or read on WhatsApp. Unlike SMS texting, which doesn't allow you to see whether your text has been read, WhatsApp displays the status of your messages for each of your conversations.

You can create a unique bio and profile.

Express yourself to your contacts with a unique WhatsApp profile. WhatsApp users can write a fun bio and add a profile picture that will be visible to their contacts. The app therefore sits somewhere between a messaging and a social media app, making it a more welcoming environment for its users.

WhatsApp Statuses keep everybody in the loop.

Update your WhatsApp status to keep your contacts in the loop. WhatsApp statuses allow users to communicate their thoughts to their contacts, or to let their contacts know if they are busy/unavailable.

Business owners use WhatsApp Business.

WhatsApp Business offers unique metrics for business owners. Many small businesses use WhatsApp Business to communicate with their customers. A WhatsApp Business account also provides insights for these businesses, allowing them to track their communications and growth. WhatsApp Business users can also carry out e-commerce transactions directly via the app.

WhatsApp Web allows you to chat on your computer.

You can access WhatsApp in a web browser on your PC or Mac. Open WhatsApp Web in a tab in your internet browser, and start texting directly from your computer. All you have to do is quickly link your devices.

You can unsend messages.

Unsend regrettable messages with a few simple taps. If you send a text on WhatsApp by mistake, or simply want to correct a typo, you can easily unsend messages in the app. It is impossible to unsend SMS texts.

Backups and recovery are easy.

Store your entire WhatsApp history by backing up your chats. WhatsApp automatically backs up your texts for you, and you can access these text logs with any file manager app. You can also disable this feature in the app's Settings if you are not interested in a backup.

Custom formatting in messages.

Bold, italicize, and strikethrough your text with WhatsApp's unique formatting. WhatsApp users can more fully express themselves by customizing the appearance of their text and stylizing it as needed.

Fast and easy document sharing.

You can attach documents to WhatsApp messages. WhatsApp allows you to attach photos and videos like you can with most messaging services, but it sets itself apart by making the attachment of files just as easy! Share documents with your contacts without having to rely on email or other document sharing systems.

Attach polls, locations, and more.

WhatsApp includes several unique message attachments. Use a poll to gauge a group's interest in various options or share your live location with someone who is trying to find where you are. You can also send a static location if you do not want someone to be able to track you.

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