- Wait 4-8 hours before showering off your spray tan to ensure it fully develops.
- Avoid using soaps or hair products during your first shower after getting a spray tan. Instead, rinse with warm water only to ensure a streak-free finish.
- Gently pat yourself dry with a towel you don’t mind getting dirty. Rubbing with a towel will exfoliate your skin and cause your tan to flake off or fade prematurely.
Taking the First Shower
Wait at least 4-8 hours for your tan to develop before showering. For best results, experts suggest showering between the 4-8 hour mark to ensure the tan has fully developed. However, make sure not to leave your tan on for more than 24 hours. Showering too early will make your tan streaky or splotchy and stop the solution from properly developing. Avoid other forms of moisture before the 4-8 hour mark, such as sweat from working out, liquid foundation, or other moisturizing products like lotion, as they will stop your tan from adhering to your skin properly.
Cleanse your body in the shower using lukewarm water only. During your first shower after getting your spray tan, it’s critical that you wash your body with water only and avoid using soaps and hair products of any kind. Using body and hair washing products before the 24-hour mark will stop your spray tan from fully developing and adhering to your body. Avoid shaving for at least 12 hours after your treatment, as shaving will exfoliate the top layer of tanned skin, resulting in a patchy, uneven finish.
Rub your skin with your hands to remove the top layer of bronzer. Use your hands to gently rub your skin in circular motions, working to remove the top layer of bronzer applied by your tanning artist. Stay in the shower until the water runs clear to ensure you remove all the cosmetic bronzer from your skin. Don’t pee in the shower, as the ammonia in urine can cause your tan to streak. This top layer of bronzer is used as a color guide during the spraying process and provides you with the immediate bronze you see leaving the appointment.
Gently pat yourself dry with a towel. Scrubbing or rubbing your skin with a towel after your shower risks smudging your tan or erasing it completely. Instead, use your towel to lightly pat yourself dry, being as careful with your skin as possible. Use a towel you wouldn’t mind getting dirty, as some of your tan might transfer.
Preserving Your Tan
Use body and hair products free of parabens, sulfates, oil, or alcohol. Body and hair care products with parabens, sulfates, mineral oil, and alcohol can cause your tan to fade prematurely. Check the ingredient labels of your current shower products to see if they have any of those pesky tan terrors, and if so, switch them out for clean beauty alternatives to ensure that you stay bronzed for as long as possible. Common brands like Eucerin, Burt’s Bees, and Garnier all sell sulfate-free and paraben-free products that should be safer for your tan. Ask your tanning salon technician what products are least likely to damage your tan—they’ll be happy to help!
Opt for quick, lukewarm showers or baths. Extended exposure to hot water, however tempting it may be, can, unfortunately, cause your tan to fade or streak. As your skin softens and sloughs off under the hot water, so will your gorgeous tan, so do your best to keep it short and sweet. Exposure to chlorinated swimming pools and salt water will also cause your tan to fade and dry out your skin.
Wait to shave for at least 12 hours after your spray tan. While daily shaving with a spray tan is not recommended due to the razor’s exfoliating properties, it might be necessary, depending on your preference for body hair. If you do choose to shave, wait at least 12 hours after your spray tan appointment, and use a sharp, new razor to remove any unwanted body hair, if needed. Avoid using body scrubs, loofahs, and exfoliating mitts, as these will also shorten the life of your tan and leave it looking patchy. Shaving every other day, rather than daily, will help to extend the life of your tan.
Dry yourself carefully with a towel after every shower. As with your first shower after receiving your tan, carefully pat yourself dry. Rubbing acts as an exfoliator for both your skin and the tan, shortening the lifespan of your golden glow, so stick to patting!
Use an oil-free, unscented moisturizer to hydrate your skin. Moisturizing your entire body after every shower is critical to keeping your bronzy glow intact for as long as possible. Think of your moisturizer like a magic wand, instantly reviving cracked and flaking tans into a silky, even glow. Yes, please! To lock in moisture and extend your tan even further, apply lotion twice a day, or once in the morning and once at night.
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