What Does the ???? (Joker) Emoji Mean?
What Does the ???? (Joker) Emoji Mean?
When someone texts you a ???? (joker) emoji, you might wonder what they mean by it—and we can help you figure it out! Also called the jester emoji, black joker emoji, and card emoji, there are several different ways to incorporate the ???? (joker) emoji in your texts and social media posts. To learn all of them, read on. We’ve prepared a complete overview of the ???? (joker) emoji, complete with each of its meanings, uses, and tips on how to reply to it.
Things You Should Know
  • The ???? (joker) emoji mainly represents playing cards and gambling. It also refers to mischief, pranks, and the evil Batman villain “The Joker.”
  • Use the ???? emoji to discuss various card games or call out a prankster for one of their tricks.
  • Include the ???? emoji when talking about the character of Joker, as well as other evil or creepy characters who have reputations as trickers.

What does the ???? (joker) emoji mean?

The ???? (joker) emoji alludes to playing cards and gambling. A ???? emoji depicts one of the “Joker” cards found in a standard set of 52 playing cards. Because cards are used in many games involving betting and wagers, like Poker, Blackjack, and Rummy, you’ll find the ???? emoji in texts referencing card games or gambling. “Got a gorgeous new deck of cards today! ????” “It’s almost time for Poker night! Ready to see me win your money? ????????”

The ???? (joker) emoji conveys a sense of playfulness and mischief. Joker cards are sometimes referred to as “wild cards” in the realm of card games. Wild cards allow you to make sneaky or clever plays in a game, which is why any person with mischievous energy can be called a “wild card” and why the ???? emoji symbolizes playfulness, pranks, and mischief. “You joker! ???? Where’d you hide my wallet this time??” “Nice prank! I’m still fishing fake spiders out of my cereal. ????”

A ???? (joker) emoji represents the popular Batman villain, the Joker. In the Batman comics (and other materials), the Joker’s calling card was an actual joker playing card. Today, joker cards are synonymous with the joker for diehard Batman fans, which is why you might see someone use the ???? emoji when talking about the Joker. “What’s your favorite movie version of Joker? ???? Mine is definitely The Dark Knight.” “Joker is hands-down the best Batman villain, right? ????”

The ???? (joker) emoji can also symbolize foolishness or silliness. Doing something completely goofy (intentionally or not) makes you a bit of a joker in other people’s eyes. That’s why the ???? emoji can represent a person’s feelings after they act foolishly or feel like they’re the punchline of everyone else’s joke. “I can’t believe I went ice skating even though I have the worst balance. Did I just play myself?? ????” “Well, I totally wiped out in front of half the school, but at least I know how to laugh at myself! ????”

Using the ???? (Joker) Emoji

Use a ???? (joker) emoji to discuss a game of cards. You could invite someone to play with you, recap the latest game night results, or just chat about your favorite card games. In a text related to card games and gambling, you can include the ???? emoji to make the message feel a little more fun and whimsical. “I think we’re hitting up a casino this weekend! I’m excited to play some Blackjack. ????????” “OMG, I finally beat my sister at Poker! ???? I can finally cross it off my bucket list!!”

Send a ???? (joker) emoji when applauding (or calling out) pranksters. When someone pranks you or you hear about a clever prank they pulled on someone else, use the ???? emoji to highlight their fondness for mischief. After all, someone who likes to pull pranks and playfully trick others is a bit of a wild card! “Jeez, did you really send Jim a prank letter? I think he actually bought it until we said something! ????????” “It’s almost April Fool’s day! Does my favorite prankster have any plans yet?? ????”

Tack a ???? (joker) emoji onto a text when discussing the Joker. If you’re chatting about the Joker with a fellow Batman fan, adding the ???? emoji to a text clearly references his infamous calling card. You can use it anytime you talk about the Joker, from comparing DC villains to ranking all of the Joker’s most sinister plots. “Batman has some cool enemies, but I don’t think any of them are scarier than the Joker! ????” “Idk, I didn’t like the Joker so much in Suicide Squad. ????”

Text a friend about doing something foolish or silly with the ???? emoji. Ever have those days where you feel like you played yourself? Acted like a total goofball, or tried to be funny and ended up feeling like a joke? If you feel like venting—or just telling someone else to amuse them—pair your story with a ???? emoji. It’ll give your message a lighter, slightly self-deprecating tone. “Wanna hear an amazing story about me making a fool of myself in front of my crush?? ????” “I don’t even know what I was thinking! At least I can laugh at myself, too. ????”

Responding to the ???? (Joker) Emoji

Chat them up about card games if the subject comes up. If someone uses the ???? emoji to bring up card games and gambling, you could always respond by answering any questions they ask or simply naming a few of your favorite games. Try asking about which card games they like most if you don’t already know as well. “My favorite ???? game is gin rummy! What about you?” “You like card games? We should play Poker together sometime!”

Acknowledge your playful personality if someone brings up a prank. When you’re the type to pull pranks and practical jokes, odds are someone will find it amusing. You might get a message with the ???? emoji talking about your latest prank, in which case you can take a bow and explain where all your mischievous ideas come from. Person 1: “Alex just told me about the prank you pulled. ???? Hilarious!” Person 2: “Lol, thanks! What can I say? I’m a wild card! ????”

Swap fun facts about Batman and Joker if you’re both enthusiasts. If a conversation about your favorite DC superheroes and villains comes up, the person texting you might include the ???? emoji when they mention the Joker. Show off your own wealth of DC knowledge and chat about your favorite comics, movies, and games featuring the iconic villain. Person 1: “The Joker is easily my favorite DC villain. ????” Person 2: “Ooh, have you ever played the Batman: Arkham series? Mark Hamill’s Joker is amazing.”

Sympathize when someone tells you they did something foolish. We all have moments where we miscalculate or stick our foot in our mouth. It’s just a part of being human! When someone shares their story of mild embarrassment and foolishness, you can laugh if they find the situation funny, but it’s always a good idea to offer sympathy too. Person 1: “I felt like such a clown! Can’t believe I fell for the joke. ????????” Person 2: “Hey, no worries! I’d have fallen for it too, tbh. You’re NOT a clown. ????”

Combinations with the ???? Emoji

Text someone the ​????​????​???? emojis when you want to talk about Batman. The ???? (bat) and ????(man in tuxedo) emojis are pretty self-explanatory if you know Batman well—he dresses like a bat, and by day he’s a rich industrialist named Bruce Wayne. Since the ???? emoji symbolizes the Joker, Batman’s archenemy, “????​????​????” more or less spells out “Batman” using emojis. Person 1: “Okay, who’s your favorite DC hero?” Person 2: “Guess! ????​????​????”

Combine the ​????​????​ emojis to reference gambling games. When you specifically want to talk about gambling (as opposed to any old card game), pair the ???? emoji with the ​????(money bag) emoji. This tells the person you’re texting that the game in question requires making a few bets as a part of gameplay. Person 1: “Know any card games we can play at the party tomorrow?” Person 2: “How do you feel about gambling? I could teach people to play poker! ​????????”

Use the ???????????? and ❓emojis to ask someone what they want to play. Just as the ???? emoji symbolizes card games, the ???? emoji represents a gaming dice, and the ???? emoji depicts a mahjong tile. Combining the three emojis with a ❓ (question mark) is like saying, “What game should we play?” Person 1: “I’m planning a game night this weekend!” Person 2: “Oh, cool! Should I bring a game? ????????????❓”

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