What Does CTFU Stand For? Definition, Uses & More
What Does CTFU Stand For? Definition, Uses & More
If you’re scratching your head after someone sent you a text with the abbreviation “CTFU,” then you’ve come to the right place! CTFU most commonly means “Cracking the f*ck up” online and in text messages; it’s a shorthand way to say that you’re laughing really hard. There are a few different ways to incorporate this acronym into your texting slang vocabulary, so read on for a comprehensive overview of CTFU—complete with alternate definitions and examples of how to use it.
Things You Should Know
  • CTFU means “Crack(ing) the f*ck up,” and it’s mainly used to express laughter after hearing or seeing something really funny.
  • Use CTFU to react to a joke or funny video that someone sends you. Alternatively, use CTFU when you want to share a silly joke or story with someone else.
  • CTFU is synonymous with LOL ("laughing out loud") and ROFL ("rolling on the floor laughing"). Try using CTFU instead of these older acronyms.

What does CTFU mean?

CTFU means “Cracking the f*ck up” on text and social media. Since “Cracking up” means that you’re laughing (presumably after seeing or hearing something funny), the full phrase “Cracking the f*ck up” expresses laughter and emphasizes that you’re laughing particularly hard or find something very amusing. It’s most commonly used over text and online platforms like Snapchat, TikTok, and Instagram. “That TikTok you sent me was so funny I’m ctfu!! ????” “CTFU, my baby niece just threw her cake all over the room! ????” CTFU can also be read as “crack the f*ck up,” which means the same thing—it’s just a different way of saying the phrase.

Using CTFU

Use CTFU to convey a sudden, intense burst of laughter. When you want someone to know that whatever they messaged you was super funny and made you laugh, send them CTFU in response. Since it means “Cracking the f*ck up,” sending this acronym to someone (or writing it as a comment on a social media post) makes it pretty clear that they tickled your funny bone! “Looove the pics you posted! CTFU! ????” “OMG please send more pics of your fur baby as soon as possible, I’m ctfu!”

Share something funny with a friend using CTFU. If you come across something hilarious like a video or meme or just have a silly story to share, send it to a friend and pair it with CTFU. That way, they can see right off the bat that whatever you sent them is intended to make them laugh (and it’s already making you laugh). For example: “CTFU, my cat just stole a whole chicken nugget!! Sending a pic now ????‍⬛” “This video is making me CTFU! Check it out ????”

Use CTFU to replace similar acronyms like LOL or ROFL. CTFU is synonymous with LOL ("laughing out loud") and ROFL ("rolling on the floor laughing"). All 3 acronyms are used to express laughter—so if you feel like updating your text slang and using a newer term, try replacing some of those LOLs and ROFLs with CTFU. Them: “LOL'd so hard when I saw this meme!!”You: “I’m CTFU that’s hilarious! ????”

Responding to CTFU

React to their laughter (or change the subject if you prefer). If someone responds to a joke you sent them with CTFU, that means they found it super funny. You might agree with them to show that you share their amusement or simply bring something else up if the joke is over. Decide whether you have anything else to add or you want to talk about something different! Them: “CTFU, this is amazing!”You: “I know, right?? ???? BTW, did you see the pic I sent the other day…?”

Send a CTFU of your own to let them know their joke was funny. When someone sends you a joke or funny video and adds CTFU to the message, you might echo them and send CTFU in response to show them that you’re laughing too. Alternatively, you could reply with a laughing GIF or emoji (like ???? or ????). Anything that expresses laughter is fair game! Them: “CTFU, this video is gold. I haven’t seen such a goofy-looking dog in a long time!”You: “OMG!! I’m also ctfu, this pup is too cute and silly! ????”

Start using CTFU too, or keep using terms like LOL and ROFL. If you notice a friend, acquaintance, or loved one start incorporating CTFU in their social media posts and texts, you’re free to do the same! CTFU is definitely a more recent and trendy term compared to LOL and ROFL—although there’s nothing wrong with continuing to use the classics if you prefer. Them: “My girlfriend is so unhinged in these pics, I’m ctfu!!”You: “Ctfu, exactly how much caffeine did she drink today? ????”

Is CTFU a casual or formal acronym?

CTFU is a strictly casual acronym. It’s inappropriate to use CTFU in formal or professional messages, not only because it has a swear word in it, but also because it’s considered texting slang. In a setting where spelling and grammar are important—particularly when you’re messaging a coworker, boss, or professional acquaintance—it’s a good idea to stick to full words (and clean language) rather than using abbreviations. For example, it’s typically inappropriate to use CTFU in emails to clients or in Instagram posts for an official brand or business account.

CTFU may be inappropriate to send to someone who doesn’t swear. Use your best judgment: if the friend you’re messaging doesn’t swear and feels uncomfortable when they see swear words, it’s not a good idea to use CTFU around them. However, if they have no problem when other people swear (even if they don’t), then it’s fine to use CTFU while texting them. It may also be better to avoid CTFU when messaging someone who doesn’t really use text abbreviations or slang altogether since there’s a chance they won’t know what you mean.

Other Meanings of CTFU

"Cheer the f*ck up" Although “Cracking the f*ck up” is the most common meaning for CTFU, you might sometimes see people use it to say “Cheer the f*ck up.” This version of CTFU is used to affectionately chide someone who seems down in the dumps or dejected over something. It’s the same as saying, “Cheer up,” with the swear word adding extra emphasis. “Hey, is something up? CTFU!” “Dude, CTFU! You’ve been a grump all day!”

"Cut the f*ck up" Sometimes CTFU is used to say “Cut the f*ck up,” which refers to letting loose, dancing, shaking, or going wild while partying. You might see someone say they’re going to “CTFU at the party,” for example, meaning they’re going to go nuts and have a good time when they arrive. “This song is ???????????? I’m gonna CTFU!!” “I can’t wait for the concert tonight, we’re gonna CTFU in the pit!”

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