Getting a Dwarf Gadget
Dig the soil on floors 40 to 79 of The Mines. You can use the hoe tool to dig up the tillable soil on each floor. There is a 0.1% chance of obtaining a Dwarf Gadget this way. If you have an upgraded hoe, you can till a lot more soil in less time.
Open Geodes and Artifact Troves. Dwarf Gadget may be obtained by opening Magma Geodes (3.8% chance), Omni Geodes (1%), and Artifact Troves (3.7%). Geodes can be found by breaking rocks in The Mines, Skull Cavern, or Volcano Dungeon. Open your Geodes by speaking to Clint the blacksmith. Each Geode will cost 25 gold.
Use the Spawn Item cheat. This cheat involves purchasing a new animal from Marnie and using a specific code for the name. The item will spawn in your inventory. When asked for a name, input the code: [122].
What is the Dwarf Gadget used for?
The Dwarf Gadget is an artifact that can be donated or used in crafting. Like other new artifacts, you can donate the first Dwarf Gadget you get to Gunther in the Museum. After that, you can use the Dwarf Gadget to craft a Farm Computer. The Farm Computer recipe is obtained from Demetrius after completing a Special Order quest. The Farm Computer scans your farm and displays helpful information about it, such as pieces of hay, total crops, crops ready, unwatered crops, and more. You can also gift the Dwarf Gadget as a loved gift to Maru, or to the Dwarf and Penny as a liked gift. It's recommended to do this only after you have already donated to the museum and crafted a Farm Computer.
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