Nighttime Chirping: Why Do Birds Do It?
Nighttime Chirping: Why Do Birds Do It?
Birds are famous for chirping at sunrise, but they sleep during the night—right? Hearing midnight chirping can be a little unnerving since most of us don't expect it, but it's actually quite common (especially in the spring). In this article, we'll discuss the nighttime habits of nocturnal and diurnal birds, explain why your backyard birds are being so vocal after dark, and include a few tips for getting them to quiet down. Keep reading for our complete guide!
Things You Should Know
  • Birds chirp at night to call for potential mates and defend their territory, especially in the spring (since that's breeding season).
  • Migrating birds maintain communication during the night by chirping at each other.
  • Baby birds chirp at night to get their parents' attention, and many young birds learn how to sing after dark.

Seeking mates

Male birds vocalize at night to attract a partner. Male birds tend to use their loudest and most complex songs to get the attention of willing females, so this kind of chirping can get pretty loud! Spring is breeding season for most birds, which is why night chirping is so common during this time. Both nocturnal birds (birds that are most active at night) and diurnal birds (birds that are most active during the day) call for mates at night since it's quiet and there’s less competition. Diurnal male birds living in noisy daytime areas, like robins, wrens, and sparrows, will often save their mating songs for the evening hours. The barred owl is one of the best known nocturnal singers in the U.S. During mating season, they use a variety of rowdy gurgles, chirps, cackles, and hoots to compete for mates during the night.


Birds vocalize loudly and aggressively when they spot a predator. These chirps are warning calls to other birds in the area so they know there’s danger lurking nearby. Other birds in the area sometimes even pick up the warning call and chime in with their own, creating a ripple effect that increases the volume. Robins are diurnal birds, but they're known to keep chirping into the warm spring evenings. They're distantly related to nightingales (which are nocturnal birds), and will sometimes sing along with their cousins (and join in their warning choruses) late at night. If the chirping is keeping you up at night, consider investing in an ultrasonic bird repeller. This gadget emits a high-frequency noise that birds hate, but that's inaudible to the human ear.

Loud noises

Sudden noises can make sleeping birds burst into song. Diurnal birds roost (sleep) in trees during the night, but loud, booming noises, like thunder and fireworks, will definitely wake them up. This is especially true if the sound vibrations shake the tree branches. For many birds, the automatic response to being startled awake is loud chirping. If birds tend to congregate in the tree right outside your bedroom window, try hosing the tree down with liquid bird repellent to keep them away.

Claiming territory

Roosting males will chirp loudly so other males won’t crowd them. Most types of birds are quite territorial, especially during breeding season. Males often chirp at night to warn other males to keep their distance since this where they do their breeding and nesting. Diurnal birds spend most of the day protecting their territory, and that can spill over into nighttime, as well. Warblers, loons, meadowlarks, and willets are known to get very vocal when staking their claim to a particular area. If you live in the northern U.S., you've probably heard the common loon's haunting and wolf-like wail late at night. Male screech owls use a loud, whinnying call to scare off nighttime intruders that enter their territory.


Elevated light levels can make diurnal birds think its daytime. Diurnal birds instinctively start their morning chorus when they see light. Since urban areas are brightly lit at all times, the birds can get a bit disoriented about what time it is. Light pollution makes them believe its dawn, so they start chirping away. Song thrushes, dunnocks, and robins are diurnal birds known to extend their chirping into the evening hours. Robins are especially vulnerable to dim and even artificial light; once the sun goes down, they'll keep on foraging and chirping as long as there's some kind of light available.

Flight calls

Birds that migrate at night often chirp to maintain communication. Many types of diurnal birds migrate in flocks during the night. If a bird gets separated from the group, it might chirp as a distress signal so the others will hear. When it’s time for the flock to take a break or forage for food, they’ll chirp to stay in touch with each other and keep the group together. If a member of the flock finds a good food source, it might chirp loudly so the others know. If you want the night chirping to stop, remove any bird feeders and water sources in your yard. Birds are more likely to roost and nest in areas close to food/water sources. EXPERT TIP Roger J. Lederer, PhD Roger J. Lederer, PhD Ornithologist Dr. Roger Lederer is an Ornithologist and the founder of, an informative website about wild birds. Dr. Lederer has spent over 40 years teaching, studying, and writing about birds. He has traveled to over 100 countries to study birds. Dr. Lederer is an Emeritus Professor of Biological Sciences at California State University, Chico, and has been a Department Chair of Biological Sciences and Dean of the College of Natural Sciences. He has written more than 30 research papers and 10 books on birds and a textbook entitled “Ecology and Field Biology.” Dr. Lederer has consulted the BBC, National Geographic, National Public Radio, ABC News, the Guinness Book of World Records, and numerous other organizations and publications. Roger J. Lederer, PhD Roger J. Lederer, PhD Ornithologist Nighttime vocalizations help birds stay together. Strange nighttime calls serve purposes for flocking bird species. They keep members close in darkness while also broadcasting alarms about prowling nocturnal predators. Staying in auditory contact is key.

Singing practice

Birds often hone their chirping chops during the evening hours. The guy with the prettiest song gets the girl, so to speak, so it's especially common for males to practice singing at night. Birds also practice to make sure their calls are clear and distinct so they can communicate with their flock, and many young birds get their song lessons from the adults at night. Northern mockingbirds have a wide range of chirps and sounds in their repertoire—in fact, they're capable of remembering at least 200 songs. They're able to mimic the songs of other birds easily and are famous for rocking out late at night, especially during full moons.

Baby bird vocalizations

Nesting babies chirp at night to to get their parents' attention. Like human babies, newborn birds need constant care and supervision. Adult birds often leave the nest at night, and hatchlings may chirp for the same reasons a human baby cries—to let their parents know they're hungry, uncomfortable, or afraid.

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