Research some businesses on Yelp. See what's available. Realize that you can later add other businesses with a few more steps. If you see inaccurate address or contact information for the business, realize that you can edit this information for the business.
Read through the reviews existing for that business. The reviews that are listed on the Yelp website are only a small portion of the plethora of things that are available on the Yelp for mobile phone apps.
Write your own review or review update (after the initial review has been posted) of the business' location. Realize that Yelp wants people to mention enough information in the review to realize whether or not it was a credible real experience and not something made up to suit the brand entirety.
Sort these reviews into what Yelp calls a List (exact name, therefore don't touch the capitalization).
Submit a picture of the business (from either the outside) or from within the experience you had. This is another thing you can do with the Yelp webpage.
Check-in to the location or write a tip (if you use Yelp's mobile phone apps). You can however, edit the Tips you've sent via mobile phone apps via the Yelp webpage.
Use the Yelp Talk pages for your area.
Look through and find friends on Yelp who are willing to converse back and forth with you, who have some sort of same likes and dislikes with what you are saying. Follow these friends and watch their actions.
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