How to Tone up Your Legs
How to Tone up Your Legs
Working to have stronger or more toned legs has a variety of benefits. Aside from a lean look, strong legs help you improve cardiovascular exercises, lifting and build core strength and your endurance.[1]
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If you want to tone or strengthen your legs you'll need to do exercises that focus on working your leg muscles. There are a variety of muscles present in your legs including your calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, abductors and adductors. Working each major group will help you get an even and well-balanced workout and help you tone and strengthen your legs.

Toning Your Legs at Home

Do squats. Squats are a fundamental leg exercise that can be done at home, and is an important exercise to learn before using leg machines at the gym. Once you've mastered the movements, you can add weights to make it more difficult. Stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Your hips, knees, and ankles should all be in alignment. Inhale as you unlock your hips, pushing them back behind you. As you push back, your knees should begin to bend. Your back should be neutral — do not round your spine. Bend as deeply as you (comfortably) can. Keeping your back straight, keep pushing your butt out as you lower. Do not allow your knees to pass over your toes — keep your weight in your heels, do not lift them off the ground. If you can, let your hips sink below your knees. If you can't go that far, that's fine. Rise back to the starting position and repeat. Start out doing eight to 10 squats, increasing the number as you begin to master the movements.

Master the lunge. Lunges are another fundamental leg exercise that can be enhanced with the addition of weights. Once you've got the movements down, you can find tons of modifications to keep this exercise interesting. Stand straight, feet together. Your shoulders should be back, your gaze straight ahead. With your core engaged, step forward with one leg. Lower your hips until both knees are bent at 90 degrees. Your front knee should not extend over your toe, and your back knee should not touch the ground. As with squats, your feet should be flat on the ground, weight concentrated in your heels. Push yourself back to the starting position and lunge with the opposite leg. Do eight to 10 lunges for each leg.

Do a yoga tree pose. The tree pose will strengthen your hamstrings and improve your balance. Because you will have to concentrate to maintain your balance, the tree pose serves to focus your mind. Stand with one foot flat on the floor. Bring your the bottom of your other food to rest on your inner thigh above the knee — never rest it on your knee. Squeeze your thigh against your knee to stabilize this position. If you have trouble with the pose, modify it by placing your foot lower down on your straight leg. You can also stand near a wall if balance is a concern.

Do the single leg kick in Pilates. The single leg kick will strengthen your glutes and your hamstrings. For maximum benefit, keep your torso still while performing the exercise. Lie flat on your stomach with legs straight behind you. Prop yourself up on your arms making sure your elbows are underneath your shoulders. Kick one heel in towards your buttocks. Then slowly straighten your leg back down towards the mat. Do a few repetitions and then switch legs. Concentrating on moving only your lower legs will help to isolate your hamstrings and to deepen the muscle contraction. Pointing your toes will also help to isolate the hamstrings.

Do jump squats. Jump squats are a plyometric exercise (or activity that only uses body weight) that will isolate the quads. Start the exercise standing with feet hip width apart. Squat down, pressing your butt outwards, as if you were sitting down in a chair. Jump straight up as high as possible. When you get touch down, immediately jump up again. Do eight to 10 jumps in a row. Make sure to focus on good posture during the jump. The shoulders should never extend outward beyond the knees because the extension will put unnecessary strain on your back. Concentrate on using your whole foot during the jump instead of on just leaping from your toes.

Do an eagle pose. In addition to strengthening your outer and inner thighs, the eagle pose will help to improve balance. Stand straight up with feet hip width apart. Balancing on one leg, bring your other leg up and cross it over your standing leg. Hook the top of your foot around the back of your knee and calf area. Squat down and hold the position for as long as possible. Try holding the pose for 20 to 30 seconds per leg and then gradually increasing to two to three minutes per leg. Repeat on the other side. Do this position as long as possible for one set.

Include side-lying leg raises. This exercise requires no equipment and specifically targets your outer thighs or abductors. Begin this exercise by lying down on an exercise mat. Lay down on your side so both shoulders and hips are stacked on top of each other. The arm that's closest to the floor should be extended above your head. The other arm should be bent at a 90 degree angle and place your hand on your hip. Lift the top leg up towards the ceiling while keeping your leg straight and foot flexed. Repeat eight to 10 times and then switch sides.

Include standing calf raises. This exercise also requires no weights as it's considered a plyometric calf exercise. Find a box at least 6 inches (15.2 cm) off the ground. Stand on the box with your heels hanging off the edge. Push up through your heels until you are standing on your tip toes and your calves are fully flexed. Hold this position for a brief moment. Slowly lower your heels back down slightly past the level of the top of the box. Immediately press back up to return to being on your toes. Repeat eight to 10 times.

Toning Your Legs at the Gym

Do hamstring curls. This exercise is typically done on a weight machine and specifically targets the back of your legs or hamstrings. Adjust the machine to your height and desired weight resistance. Point your toes straight down towards the floor with the machine pad behind your calves. Curl your legs up as far as possible but do not lift your upper legs. Once your legs are fully contracted, hold this position for a brief second. Slowly lower your legs back down to the start position. Repeat eight to 10 times per set.

Do depth jumps. A depth jump is a plyometric exercise, which means that it increases the explosive power of the muscles. It specifically works the quads and even the glutes. For this exercise find two sturdy boxes or benches. They should be about 12 to 16 inches (30 to 41 cm) high for one and the other 22 to 26 inches high. Stand on one of the two boxes with feet together but slightly hanging off the edge of the box. Place the other box two or three feet in front of you. Jump off the first box. The second you land, explosively jump up and out to the land on the box in front of you. Repeat eight to 10 times. To make the exercise more challenging, jump from a low bench to the floor and then upward onto a taller bench. You can also use plyometrics boxes or stacked mats in place of benches.

Include barbell lunges. This exercise combines the use of a weighted barbell with a lunge. This targets and strengthens your quadriceps. Set up a barbell with an amount of weight that's appropriate for your fitness level. Place the bar slightly below your neck on your shoulders. Carefully step one leg in front and lower your your back until it's bent in about a 90 degree angle. Front knee should be directly over the foot and ankle. Both knees should be bent in a 90 degree angle. Use you the heel of your foot to push yourself up to the starting position. Repeat eight to 10 times per side.

Use the thigh adductor machine. This weight machine targets your inner thighs or adductors specifically. Set the machine to fit your height and weight resistance. Sit on the machine with the pads touching your inner thighs and feet resting on the props. Squeeze your legs together focusing on using your inner thigh muscles to bring your legs together. Once your legs are together, hold that position for a brief second and then slowly release until the starting position. Do eight to 10 repetitions.

Do a seated calf raise. This is a similar exercise to the standing calf raise, but works a different part of your calf muscles. Sit on an exercise bench with your feet flat on the floor about shoulder width apart. While keeping your knees bent, push up through your heels until your calves are flexed and the ball of your feet is the only remaining part of your foot on the floor. Hold this position for a brief second and then slowly lower back down until your feet are flat on the floor. Repeat eight to 10 times.

Use a standing calf raise machine. If you need additional weight to make your calf exercises more difficult, consider using a calf raise machine. Set the machine to your height and desired weight resistance. Using the same motion as a standing calf raise, push up through your heels until you are standing on your tip toes. If you're using a weighted machine you should feel moderate intensity resistance. Repeat eight to 10 times or as needed.

Including Leg Toning Cardio

Go for a run. Running is a great cardio exercise that also helps sculpt and tone all parts of your legs. Start running or jogging at a pace appropriate for your fitness level. As you continue to run, you can increase your pace. Make sure to start off with dynamic stretches or warming up. Running on an incline or running hills, can help strengthen your calf muscles more specifically. It's typically recommended to run for at least 20 minutes per session, but run for as long as feels comfortable.

Hit the stairs. Get on the stair master machine or hit the stairs at your gym or home. This exercise tones your butt and thighs significantly. The act of going up the stairs targets your quads and hamstrings in addition to burning a high level of calories. This exercise also helps build endurance in your leg muscles which will make other forms of cardio and weight lifting easier.

Go for a bike ride. Bikers and cyclists are known for their great legs. Cycling is a great exercise to tone your entire leg. Each movement of pedaling targets the entire front and back of your leg. Push down hard on the pedals and pull back hard for a more intense workout. If you don't have a bike or have a safe place to bike, considering going to the gym for a spin class.

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