How to Tell if Someone is Pregnant
How to Tell if Someone is Pregnant
It can be the most awkward thing in the world to ask someone if they are pregnant, especially if it turns out they are not. Maybe you are just curious and want to know, or maybe you’re trying to decide if you should give up your seat on the bus. Whatever the reason, there are some common indications of pregnancy that can help you determine if they are pregnant before asking so that you can prevent this awkward moment from happening. In general, however, it's best not to assume someone is pregnant. Avoid directly asking someone if they are pregnant and instead wait until they bring it up.

Determining if Someone is Pregnant Early On

Look for a change in clothing. Early on in a pregnancy, many people begin wearing baggy clothes or clothing that looks like it could hide a "baby bump." As their belly grows, many people also need to buy maternity pants or clothing in a larger size. If you notice that they are wearing unusual clothing for their normal style or they are shopping for outfits in larger sizes, it could be because they are expecting.

Listen when they discusses their eating habits. Many pregnant people experience changes in appetite as well as changes in the types of foods they want to eat. Because of this, paying attention to their complaints or comments about food can help determine if they're pregnant: Cravings: Not all pregnant people experience this, but some people find that they want to eat strange combinations of food (like pickles and ice cream) or that they only want to eat one type of food (like citrus foods or Chinese food). Pay attention when they talk about what they feel like eating! Food aversions: Many pregnant people experience the sudden onset of food issues with a particular type of food they never had a problem with before. If you know they love sushi and suddenly even the thought of fish turns their stomach, they might be pregnant. Hydration: Staying hydrated is essential to delivering vital nutrients to a fetus, so many pregnant people are careful to ensure they drink enough water. A pregnant person may show a sudden preoccupation with making sure they are hydrated and/or start carrying around a water bottle.

Look for signs of nausea. Along with changing eating habits, many pregnant people experience nausea called “morning sickness” in the early months of pregnancy. This could be the cause of some alterations in their diet, like if they're eating just crackers, but it can also happen unrelated to eating. Many people feel sick throughout the day and not just in the morning as the name suggests, so be sure to pay attention to any signs of nausea or vomiting. To help you distinguish this symptom from regular indigestion or the flu, morning sickness will be intense and last longer than the typical flu period of only a few days.

Pay attention to complaints about pain or discomfort. Pregnancy causes all sorts of changes, and this leads to soreness and aching throughout the body. If you hear them suddenly talking about lower back pain and headaches or dizziness, it could be associated with pregnancy. When they comment on any pain or soreness, try following up by asking how they hurt themselves or if they are active in any sports and see what they say. For example: “Oh no! How long has your back been hurting?” “I heard you say earlier that you’ve been feeling lightheaded lately, have you been getting dizzy like that for a while?”

Keep an eye on their behavior. In addition to physical changes, many pregnant people also exhibit changes in behavior or routine. Try observing the person you think may be pregnant and see if you notice any of the following behaviors: Using the bathroom more frequently than usual can indicate pregnancy. This is because changes in hormones and the pressure of the growing fetus on other organs can cause constipation, increased urination, and vomiting. Mood swings are common in pregnant people because fluctuating levels of hormones can cause fatigue and spikes in a variety of emotions (like being really happy one moment and then crying uncontrollably for seemingly no reason).

Take note when they discuss their sleep patterns. Being exhausted is an extremely common complaint in pregnant people, especially in the first trimester. If you observe any of the following, it could be because they are pregnant: They are noticeably too tired to keep up with everyday activities. They talk a lot about being exhausted or feeling “completely wiped out.” You find them napping often or at odd times (like when they are on the job or at school).

Ask about their plans for the future. A subtle way of determining whether or not someone is pregnant is to ask them about any upcoming plans. Because a typical pregnancy lasts nine months, asking about plans that would fall around that time period can help you figure out if they are pregnant now. If they are pregnant, they will be too far along in the third trimester to travel, so try asking if they'd be interested in a trip in a couple of months. You could also ask them if they have any plans for the summer, and see if they let it slip that they will be decorating a nursery!

Recognizing Pregnancy Later On

Look at the shape of their abdomen. A person's body changes a lot during pregnancy, particularly in their abdomen. As the baby grows, the abdomen needs to expand to accommodate. This can sometimes be difficult to differentiate from belly fat in the same area, but a pregnancy has some subtle distinguishing characteristics. Weight gain in the belly area that looks like a well-defined bump, but little to no weight gain in other areas of the body is most likely caused by pregnancy. If you happen to accidentally bump into them, keep in mind that a pregnant belly is also much firmer than belly fat.

Take note of their breasts. Enlarged, growing breasts are a common physical change because breast tissue is very sensitive to hormonal changes. If you don’t know this person, this might not be helpful since you don’t have a pre-pregnancy breast size to compare their current size to; however, some pregnant people in the later stages of pregnancy have disproportionately large breasts to the rest of their body because they swell with milk production.

Look at their feet and ankles. Swollen ankles are also very common in pregnant people, especially around the fifth month. This is because the body retains more water and produces more blood and body fluid when a person is pregnant. They may also be wearing extra comfortable, supportive shoes or flip-flops to help with the pain associated with walking and standing with swollen feet and ankles.

Notice how they are moving around. As their body begins to change and grow, many pregnant people also begin experiencing changes to their mobility. Keep an eye out for these common signs: A waddling walk and other changes in gait are common as the growing belly and swelling feet cause the person's balance to be thrown off a bit. Many pregnant people tend to hold their belly or keep a hand on their bump as they move around. This is both for balance and because of the bond that is growing between the mother and child.

Listen for any shortness of breath. In addition to changes in mobility, many pregnant people also experience shortness of breath in their second and third trimesters. This is caused by the growing fetus needing more and more oxygen and also by the expanding uterus putting more pressure on the lungs and diaphragm. Feeling winded with minimal exertion is very common, and in combination with other signs of pregnancy can be conclusive.

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