How to Seal Wood Scratches With a Walnut
How to Seal Wood Scratches With a Walnut
Nasty scratch on your furniture? Well you can treat it by using... a walnut! Yes, that's right, a walnut. This article will show you how to use this clever little snack to do more than just bust cholesterol!

Rub the walnut in. Begin by rubbing the scratched wooden item with the walnut. Do this in a circular motion across the length of the scratch, from one end to the other.

Rub the walnut across the whole length of the scratch. Rub it back and forth several times.

Leave to soak. Leave the scratch for several minutes. While waiting, you're free to eat some of the walnuts if you like... or not! Meanwhile the natural oils in the nuts will be seeping into the wood, helping to heal the ugly wound.

Polish. Take a soft cloth and polish over the whole area.

Check it. Stop polishing and check it; your efforts should reveal that the scratch has disappeared!

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