How to Say Good in Spanish
How to Say Good in Spanish
The basic word for "good" in Spanish is "bueno" (boo-EHN-oh). Even if you don't know much Spanish, you may already be familiar with this word. Bueno is an adjective. Use the word bien (BEE-ehn) when you need a noun or an adverb. Once you've mastered bueno, take your Spanish to the next level with slang words and common phrases that incorporate the word.[1]
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Translation for “Good” in Spanish

Describing Something as "Bueno"

Say "bueno" (boo-EHN-oh) when something is good. Bueno is the basic way to say "good" in Spanish. As an adjective, it is used similarly to the way the word good is used in English. It means something that is suitable, favorable, or morally proper. For example, you might say "Este libro es bueno," or "This book is good."

Change the ending to agree in gender and number. Since bueno is an adjective, it must agree in gender and number with the noun it's modifying. If the noun is feminine, you would say "buena" (boo-EHN-ah). Add an s to the end if the noun is plural. If you're confused, just look for the thing that's being described as good. That's the noun the adjective bueno needs to agree with. For example, you might say "eso es una buena señal" to mean "this is a good sign." Since the word señal is feminine, you would use the feminine form of the word bueno. If there were several signs rather than just one, you would say "estas son buenas señales."

Shorten the word to "buen" in front of masculine nouns. If you are somewhat familiar with Spanish, you may recognize that bueno is the masculine form of the word. But when it occurs immediately before a masculine noun, you drop the ending. For example, a single friend might lament "Un buen hombre es difícil de encontrar," which means "A good man is hard to find." Since the word hombre is a masculine noun, bueno is shortened to buen. However, if the word bueno appears after the masculine noun it modifies, you don't shorten it at all. For example, "Es un informe bueno" or "It is a good report." Bueno may generally appear before or after the noun. For example, "el libro bueno" and "el buen libro" are both correct.

Add "muy" (MOO-ee) to say "very good." The word muy is an adverb that means "very." You can put it in front of bueno to intensify the adjective. While the word bueno still needs to agree with the noun in gender and number, the word muy never changes. For example: "Este vino es muy bueno" (This wine is very good).

Use "válido" (VAH-lee-doh) if you mean that something is valid. If you want to talk about something being current, in order, or acceptable, you might use the word good in English. In Spanish, you would use the word válido. For example you would say "Mi pasaporte es válido por 10 años" to mean "My passport is good [valid] for 10 years." You may also use válido to say that something is correct or accurate. For example: "Es un texto válido." (It is a valid text.)

Avoid "bueno" to describe yourself. When someone asks you how you're doing (¿Cómo estás?") you might be tempted to reply "Estoy bueno" or "I'm good." Just as in English, this is grammatically incorrect. Bueno is an adjective. When you say "estoy bueno," this may be interpreted as though you are saying "I am good looking." If you go around telling people that, they'll think you're egotistical.

Using "Bien" as a Noun or Adverb

Say "bien" (BEE-ehn) to talk about a virtue or benefit. In Spanish, good can be a noun as well as an adjective. The noun form, bien, is used for something that is beneficial or positive. For example, you might say "esto no habría estado bien" to mean "that would not have been good."

Respond "estoy bien" (ESS-toy BEE-ehn) to mean "I'm fine." The word bien is also used in Spanish as an adverb, similar to the word well in English. If someone asks you how you're doing ("¿Cómo estás?") you can reply by saying "estoy bien." Generally, you can understand when best to use bien and bueno if you think about when you would properly use the words well and good in English.

Say "¡Muy bien!" to reply to good news. If someone tells you about an achievement or positive development, ¡Muy bien! is used in the same way you might say "Way to go!" or "Good for you!" in English. For example, if you watched a friend score the winning goal in his soccer match, you might say "¡Muy bien! Lo hiciste genial!" or "Very good! You did great!" Muy bien is also used as a phrase meaning "very well," the same as you would say that in English. For example: "Trabajamos muy bien juntos." (We work very well together.)

Use the plural "los bienes" to talk about merchandise. In English, it's common to refer to merchandise as "goods," particularly in a retail or business setting. In Spanish, you use the plural of the noun bien. For example: "La gente tiende a pagar en efectivo por los bienes y servicios." (People tend to pay cash for goods and services.)

Learning "Good" Phrases

Use the plural form to say "good morning" or "goodnight." In Spanish, you can see the word bueno in the phrases "Buenos días" (good morning) and "buenas noches" (good night). "Buenos días" could be literally translated as "good days," but it's used primarily to mean "good morning." "Buenos noches" is used more like "good evening" would be used in English, as it can be both a greeting and a farewell.

Try "buena onda" (boo-EHN-ah OHN-dah) as slang for "cool." While the phrase literally means "good wave," many Latin Americans use this phrase to mean "cool" or "good vibe." You may hear it used in Argentina and Chile, as well as parts of Mexico. Spanish is a more formal language than English, so be careful who you use this phrase with. You wouldn't want to speak this casually to someone older than you or in a position of authority.

Talk about inanimate objects with "buenazo" (boo-ehn-AHS-soh). Particularly in Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Peru, this fun alteration of the word bueno means you're saying a particular object is really cool. Typically it isn't used to describe people. For example, you might say "Ese coche es buenazo" or "That car is cool." While you may hear buenazo used to describe people, the meaning of the word is different in different countries, and may not always be complimentary. Ask someone what it means before you attempt to use it to talk about a person.

Use "todo bien" (TOH-doh BEE-ehn) to say "all good." Just as in English, Spanish speakers have a common phrase that means "all good" or literally "all well." The phrase is used in Spanish in similar situations as it would be in English. For example, a mother might say "Están muy callados, niños. ¿Va todo bien?" (You're too quiet, kids. Is everything okay?") The kids reply "¡Todo bien, mamá!" (All good, mom!). The phrase also appears in "hasta aquí todo bien," which means "so far, so good."

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