How to Refuel Your Mana
How to Refuel Your Mana
Is your spiritual life force energy feeling a bit depleted lately? If you're interested in refueling your mana so that you can replenish your personal power and energize your spells, read on!

Go outside. This will remove any technological distractions and connect you to the earth. If you cannot, that is fine as well, it will just be significantly harder to harness energy (patios and porches are fine). The time of the day when you feel the most magic will make for the best results. Alternatively, undergrounds places such as caves (or even for a lack of natural caves, deserted underground areas) feel better and more effective to some people.

Stand up straight and breathe deeply, or sit with a straight, relaxed back. You may also lay down on your back with your arms and legs touching the ground as much as possible.

Focus on relaxing your body and your mind while still maintaining a proper position. What matters is the here and now. Look and listen around.

Once you feel completely at peace, focus on a specific place or concept that you wish to draw mana from. If you are Wiccan and this place is the core of the Earth for you, then be sure to thank the Mother Goddess for her gift to you.

Wish that only benevolent beings surround you, and make it clear that your intentions are not to attack anything or anyone. It is a time for peace, and you need no ill intention directed towards you.

Imagine that a string (or cord) of white light flowing towards you, specifically your chest area. The energy can also feel like it flows up your limbs towards your chest. It is important to know that for those who are more attuned to darkness and nightly deities, the energy may feel like it is dark instead of bright. It is perfectly good too.

Feel the power and enjoy it. If you have been addressing a god or goddess revel in your closeness to him or her.

You can now use your hands to "pull" a string of energy out of your chest.

Direct all the new energy towards your hands.

You now have mana held between your hands. It is a ball of raw energy.

Play with the mana ball to help make it feel better. (Bounce it, expand it, shrink it... whatever!)

Place the mana back into your chest. If it feels more comfortable, absorb it back through your hand.

Optionally, you can now take the goddess position as a final 'hooray' or pray to your god(s) in thanks.

Wash your hands very well with cold water. You should always do this after manipulating energy.

Now the Mana is yours!

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