How to Play as Estes in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
How to Play as Estes in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
"Love others as love yourself."

Estes is a one-of-a-kind hero in Mobile Legends who specializes in healing allies multiple times. In best cases, being near Estes for a while may progress you to win team fights from time to time! If you want to start healing allies and protect them with your abilities, read this wikiHow article for more!

Choose an alternative for Estes if needed. Although not a powerful hero, Estes is occasionally banned in ranked games due to his healing abilities. If this is the case, try going for Angela, Rafaela, or Floryn as easy alternatives.

Note his passive (Scripture of the Moon Elf). Within 15 seconds, Estes' basic attack is enhanced, resulting in an enhanced magic attack. It will deal 250 (more within time) Magic Damage to the target, and half of the damage to enemies around (along with a 60% slow effect). Although this passive may not be useful when soloing, it's perfect for assisting allies whether it is to kill an enemy or to finish a turret (turrets can even receive critical damage)!

Use his 1st Skill (Moonlight Immersion). After targeting an ally (or himself), the ally will be healed/linked for three seconds, restoring up to 850 HP. His Movement Speed, Physical Attack, and Magic Power are increased, and the cooldown of his passive is restored quicker. Before the skill can begin, the ally/Estes will heal up to 400 HP immediately, and sustains healing the ally/Estes up to 80 HP (5 times; unless if the ally is too far from Estes). Use this skill as his primary healing tool for your allies when needed - they'll benefit from it without the need to recall as a first option.

Manage his 2nd Skill (Domain of Moon Goddess). Estes will put a barrier in a designated area, dealing up to 600 magic damage immediately. After that, enemies that enter the barrier are slowed down dramatically (90% within the activation, decaying over time). Aside from your healing, this is an important skill - during team fights, allies can get enemies with ease whilst your healing others! It's recommended to upgrade this skill first before Moonlight Immersion because this can slow enemies down in many cases, including interruptions to enemy buffs.

Make use of his Ultimate (Blessing of Moon Goddess). Estes immediately heals all allies nearby and enhances Moonlight Immersion for eight seconds. With the Blessing of the Moon Goddess, he will heal all nearby allies for up to 1640 HP (up to 15 times). This ultimate is the perfect platter during a team fight, as allies can keep attacking enemies while their HP is regenerated constantly!

Pick his equipment. To start, buy either Tough Boots (reduces the duration of crowd control skills), Demon Shoes (to help with his mana), Magic Shoes (to reduce the cooldown of skills), or Warrior Boots (increase physical defense) with the Regen Roaming Equipment on to enhance his healing, followed by Enhanced Tailsman (to avoid recalling due to low mana), Dominant Ice (slows enemies down when nearby), Immortality (to balance his low HP), Oracle (to increase his regen abilities), and Fleeting Time (to lower the cooldown of his ult). As an alternative, buy Antique Curiass, Athena's Shield, or Necklace of Durance. For his battle spell, select Flicker (to let Estes escape when needed), Purify (to remove CC effects), or Aegis (to create a shield that takes damage).

Select his emblem. For obvious reasons, the Support emblem works best for Estes. First, upgrade Mastery (to increase cooldown reduction to skills) and Gift (increases his healing effect), then upgrade Focusing Mark in Tier 3 to increase damage to enemies (with a six-second cooldown).

Heal your allies throughout the game. The main goal of Estes is to support his allies with his healing abilities. For team fights, avoid starting the battle and let others do the job (as he is not a tank), then come through with your skills. Additionally, you can use the Domain of Moon Goddess to give allies vision in the bushes. You can quickly stack his healing skills by linking an ally with Moonlight Immersion, then use Blessing of Moon Goddess to stave off allies in a cinch! Note that if any of your enemies give high burst damage (assassins and mages; namely Saber, Gusion, Luo Yi, Aamon, Pharsa, etc), it's best to stay cautious during team fights. You may not even be able to heal your ally as quickly as you want it. Baxia is also a perfect counter to his healing due to its anti-heal effects. Anti-heal equipment (Dominance Ice/Necklace of Durance/Sea Halberd) can also prove a problem if he is hit.

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