Planning Your Night
Research what's playing. Use the internet to look into your options to find the best movie to accommodate a good kiss session. There's plenty of apps for your smartphone that will also show you movie times near you.
Pick a movie. Try to find a movie that you've both either seen or have very little interest in seeing. This can get tricky with the high price of going to the movies these days. For a more enjoyable time, wait until the movie you actually want to see has been playing for a month or two. If you think or know she wants to see something, suggest it yourself. The idea is to pick a movie that won't be too crowded. Consider the duration of the movie. You should decide if you think you'll want a three-hour movie or can settle with an hour and a half.
Consider the genre. It could be uncomfortable to smooch to a very serious movie. Either go for a comedy, romantic-comedy, or a horror. These movies also get less attendance than the bigger blockbusters.
Ask her for input. Be on the same page as your date. One of the best ways to create chemistry is for the two of you to watch trailers together. Be assertive if there is something you want to see, but don't push it too hard. In the end, decide on something together.
Getting the Mood Right
Plan to meet early. This will give you a chance to flirt before the movie starts. Since she's already agreed to go out on a date with you, you shouldn't be nervous at this part. Be yourself.
Play a game. A great way of initiating chemistry between her and you is to play an arcade game. Make eyes at her intermittently. Don't be overly competitive. A little bit can be cute, but if you take it too seriously, it could ruin your chances.
Offer to buy refreshments. It is a nice courtesy to offer to buy popcorn and soda for you two to share. If this is one of the first dates with this lady, you, the guy, should make the offer.
Choose your seat. Pick a seat that seems to be the most remote. Try somewhere in the back row or in a corner. The ultimate idea is to pick a seat that is not too close to other movie goers.
Make sure your lips are smooth. Apply a thin layer of chapstick before your date to ensure your lips aren't chapped. Don't be too insistent in applying chapstick throughout the date. You might seem nervous or too anxious for a kiss. Keep your cool.
Carry breath mints. You might have purchased a 24 oz. Coke, but just carry mints in your pocket anyway. You'll be glad to have them.
Making the Move
Wait through the beginning. It could be weird to make a move right as the title credits are playing. Give it at least twenty minutes into the film. The ideal scene would be a slower one during the exposition.
Make eye contact. Do not sit there and stare at your date. Just glance over from time to time. Keep this up until you both meet eyes and then quickly turn back to the film. Your best bet is for her and you to blush after meeting eyes.
Hold her hand. If she has her hand in plain view on the cup holder, that is a good indicator that she wants you to hold it. Don't go too out of your way to hold her hand. Put your hand gently over her hand and wait for her hand to respond to yours.
Feel out the mood. If she is leaning on the opposite side of the seat, she doesn't want you to kiss her. Look for her to put her hair behind her ear. This exposes her neck and is a good cue that she is interested. Be sly when you're gauging her mood.
Initiate the kiss. Turn towards her and gently touch her chin with your finger. This is a clear straightforward signal that will tell her, I want to kiss you. Once she moves her head towards yours, slowly start moving your head towards hers. If she doesn't acknowledge your initiation, you might just have to sit through the rest of the film disappointed.
Gauge what her reaction is. If she wants to kiss again, you'll know it. Be charming and a gentleman after the first kiss. Don't be cheesy and say things like, "Well, that was nice," or "You're a good kisser." Try to avoid acting shy after the kiss. If you stop talking to her once you've kissed, she might think it's because you didn't like it. Smile and keep getting to know her!
Take kissing breaks. Don't just keep on kissing her until the movie is over without a break. Kiss for a little bit and then go back to watching the film. Wait about twenty minutes and then turn towards her again. She should be on board if she enjoyed the first kiss. Guys normally make the first move, so make sure you are confident. If you are confident she will feel comfortable.
Compliment her. Once the movie is over say you had a great time, if you mean it. Drop a suggestion that you'd like to hang out again. Don't ask her if she had a good time. Be smooth but don't be afraid to reveal yourself.
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