How to Kill Dollar Weed
How to Kill Dollar Weed
Is dollar weed getting in the way of you enjoying your beautiful lawn? This weed is a common one, and if you don’t address it soon, it can end up getting out of hand pretty fast. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to kill this fiendish weed, and we’re here to show you the best ones. Here’s our comprehensive guide on how to kill dollar weed.This article is based on an interview with our garden and landscape designer, Ben Barkan, owner and founder of HomeHarvest LLC. Check out the full interview here.

Boiling Water

Use boiling water as a quick and easy weedkiller. Simply boil a pot or kettle of water, then pour it slowly over the dollar weed. The heat will damage the weed and eventually kill it. You can repeat this process if the dollar weed isn’t dead after one application. When pouring the boiling water, be sure not to pour any on the surrounding plants. You could end up hurting them.


Vinegar is an inexpensive solution to killing dollar weed. Put white vinegar in a spray bottle and hand spray the dollar weed for a few days in a row. It should die relatively quickly. You can use vinegar in any concentration, from 5% white vinegar to 20% horticultural vinegar. Horticultural vinegar is a strong acid that needs to be handled carefully. Wear long sleeves, gloves, pants, and a mask when using this product.

Hand Pulling

Hand pulling is the simplest way to keep dollar weed under control. Although it may be difficult to do if your lawn is totally overrun with dollar weed, by taking the time to regularly pull out any dollar weed you see by hand, you can maintain the look of your lawn without using any harsh chemicals. When pulling out dollar weed, try your best to remove all of its rhizomes (the white parts of its root structure). This will keep the weed from coming back.

Flame Weeding

Try flame weeding for an organic solution to get rid of lots of dollar weed. Flame weeders use propane to deplete the carbohydrate reserves of weeds and kill them. Quickly pass the flame weeder over the weeds, just enough to wilt them. Their color should turn to a darker green, and if you can press your fingerprint into them, you’ll know you’ve been successful.

Reducing Watering

Taking a break from watering your lawn can kill off dollar weed. This weed loves water and needs a lot of it to thrive, while the grass in your lawn is likely more durable. Although you can’t control the rain, if you’re expecting a dry week, consider holding off on water for the week. Keep in mind that during the summer, your grass likely only needs around 1-1.5 in (2.5-4 cm) of water per week.

Improving Lawn Drainage

Fixing any drainage problems can keep dollar weed away for good. If dollar weed is springing up in your lawn, this usually means that your lawn is trapping too much moisture. Try aerating or topdressing your yard to improve its drainage. Dollar weed can also indicate an issue with your irrigation. If you use sprinklers, try adjusting their heads to reduce how much water you’re using on your lawn.

Regular Mowing

Mowing your lawn keeps it healthy and weed-free. By regularly mowing your lawn, you encourage the growth of grass that can crowd out the dollar weed. For most lawn types, a height of around 2 in (5 cm) is ideal. To maintain this length, most lawns will require weekly mowing.


Mulch can suffocate any dollar weed underneath it. Lay some newspaper or cardboard over the dollar weed, then place woodchips or tree bark mulch over it. You can use this mulch for new plants while stifling the dollar weed underneath it. Mulch is an excellent and organic solution for getting rid of weeds.

Weed and Feed

Weed and feed gets rid of dollar weed while fertilizing the rest of your lawn. In spring, apply a weed and feed to your lawn using a spreader. Choose an option with Atrazine, which is particularly effective against dollar weed. Follow the instructions on your product packaging to make sure you’re using it correctly. After using the weed and feed, you may decide to fertilize your lawn again a few weeks later with regular liquid fertilizer. Check the details of your weed and feed to see if this is a good option for you.


If nothing else works, spot treat the weed with a commercial herbicide. Although harsh chemicals can damage ecosystems, in certain cases, there may be no other option. Follow the instructions on your product’s packaging and only spray the dollar weed with the chemicals to limit the rest of your lawn’s exposure. Some strong herbicides for dollar weed include: Atrazine, Indaziflam (Specticle), or isoxaben (Gallery) for controlling dollar weed before they emerge. Imazaquin (Image) or glyphosate Roundup and Eraser) can be used directly on dollar weed after they appear.

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