How to Join the Mormon Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)
How to Join the Mormon Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)
According to its doctrines, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS/Mormon Church) is a unique restoration of the original church established in the First Century AD. Joining the church is a big decision and should be considered carefully. In this article, we'll teach you about the process of becoming a member, from learning about Mormon beliefs to understanding the lifestyle, so you can make the best choice for you.

Learning about the Mormon Church

Learn more about what Mormons believe. You should feel like you have a solid grasp of the beliefs of the Mormon church before becoming a member. You can get literature about Mormonism directly from the church website, to begin with. Once you feel like you know the core beliefs, you can move on to talking with people about the religion. The best source is a member of the Mormon church or their missionaries. However, they may not tell you about some of the more controversial sides of the church, because they are typically most interested in converting you.

Seek opinions outside of the church. It’s also important to ask about the church from those who are outside of the religion. This way, you will get a more complex and rounded view of Mormonism. If they are willing, you can talk to people who were in the religion but left it. You can also speak with those who know about the religion but were never a part of it. You can ask those who left the religion what originally brought them to Mormonism, what their experience was like, and why they left. A religious studies professor would be another person to talk to about Mormonism.

Read the Book of Mormon. This book is central to Mormon beliefs. Read it with an open mind, and compare its teachings to the Bible if you wish. There are always manuals about it available on the church website in a variety of formats if you're having difficulty understanding the Book of Mormon. Although these were designed for children, they are helpful for adults, too. You can download the Book of Mormon App in the app store. You can also request a physical copy of the book on and local missionaries will drop it off at your house free of charge. If you know someone who is a member of the church they would be glad to get a copy for you.

Visiting the Mormon Church

Meet with Mormon missionaries. These missionaries devote up to two years of their lives to teaching others about Mormonism. Approach them on the street when you see them or invite them in when they knock on your door. They can tell you more about the church and invite you to visit it. You will usually be required to take lessons from these missionaries once you’ve expressed interest in becoming a member. If you don't see them around, invite them to come to you using the Mormon church’s website.

Take lessons from the missionaries and members. Once you’ve expressed your interest, you will become an “investigator.” An investigator is invited to take lessons and learn more about the church. This period of learning could take a few weeks or a few months. The lessons conducted by the missionaries are called “discussions.” The discussions are usually pretty formal. The missionaries discuss their personal feelings about Mormonism, ask questions, and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ. The “investigation” period depends on the individual’s rate of preparation for the baptism. These lessons are often taught in a home setting to a small group.

Make commitments during your study. As an investigator, you will be asked to make commitments during your time of study. The commitments range from daily prayer, learning about scripture, and prayerful study of the Book of Mormon. You will also be encouraged to start living the LDS lifestyle.

Begin to follow the LDS lifestyle. The LDS lifestyle means following a Christlike attitude in your behavior and actions. You will be asked to attend church meetings and serve those in need. You will also be expected to maintain chastity and abstain from harmful substances—like coffee, tea, tobacco, drugs, and alcohol. You can ask a missionary or member for advice if you aren’t sure if a certain item is considered off-limits.

Attend Sunday worship services. You will be expected to attend worship services and meetings. When you're attending the services, listen to the messages that are taught, talk to members around you, and try to speak with the bishop/branch president or his counselors. Take notes during the services so that you can review them later.

Becoming a Member

Review what you have been taught. Take some time to reflect on what you have learned as an “investigator” as you draw closer to your baptism interview. Find a quiet place in your home or a park. Reflect on what you have learned so far. If you feel the need, pray about your experience and ask for guidance on whether or not you should become a member. Ultimately, the decision is up to you. A missionary, member, or official will likely pull you aside to discuss with you when they think you are ready for the baptism interview. You can also reach out to a missionary about some lingering thoughts and questions.

Have a baptism interview. You will need to have an interview before the baptism once it has been decided that you are prepared for it. The interview is typically conducted by an official Church representative. As a baptismal candidate, you will be asked if you have a heartfelt testimony of the fundamental doctrine of God. You will also be asked if you follow and will continue to follow God’s commandments as long as you live. You can review what you’ve learned, but don’t worry too much about the interview. The interview is simply meant to make sure you’re ready to be baptized, to make a sacred covenant, and fully become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Get baptized. If the Church representative feels that you are ready, you will be given an invitation to be baptized as a testimony to others and God that you have accepted Jesus Christ. Baptism is one of the requirements for membership. Baptism is symbolic of the washing away of sin and rebirth, as well as eternal life. Members of the congregation will sing hymns, pray, and offer words of support during the baptism. You can invite friends and family members to witness this special event. The requirements for baptism are described in Doctrine and Covenants 20:37.

Be confirmed a member of the church. The confirmation will happen directly after the baptism. A priesthood holder will lay his hands upon your head and confirm you as a member of the church. You will also receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Once you are confirmed, you will be presented for acceptance and as a member in full fellowship. You are officially a member of the worldwide church in both the spiritual and physically tangible senses at this time. Being confirmed also entails that your personal information will be added to the Mormon church's records.

Take responsibility within the church. Becoming a member of the church means taking part in it. This means attending sermons and serving within the church. You could also serve by teaching Sunday school classes, organizing social activities, and coordinating emergency preparation, among other responsibilities. Serve in whatever activity you feel called to. If taking part in these activities is too much for you, simply being there for others is enough. All adults are asked at some point to serve as a home or visiting teacher. This means visiting members’ homes to ensure that they are being cared for and taught.

Talk to other members about culture shock. Being a Mormon means having a unique cultural and ethnic identity. Not every new member of the church experiences culture shock, but it is a common occurrence. Speak with other members, both new and old, about what you’re experiencing and any problems you may be having. Culture shock doesn’t mean you’ve made the wrong decision. It just means that you’re experiencing something unlike anything you’ve experienced before. But if you feel extremely uneasy about the church or its culture, this may be a sign that it's not right for you.

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