How to Get Rid of Chubby Cheeks: Diet, Exercise, & More
How to Get Rid of Chubby Cheeks: Diet, Exercise, & More
Are you ready to slim down your face? Many of us have weight loss goals that we’re working toward. While you may not be able to target weight loss in your face specifically, there are changes you can make to your lifestyle to lose body fat (and therefore face fat). In this article, we’ll give you all the tips you need to take your diet and exercise game to the next level. If you’re ready to make a change and lose weight in your face today, keep reading.
Things You Should Know
  • Try facial exercises, like puffing your cheeks, smiling, or puckering your lips.
  • Exercise regularly, and focus on cardio exercises to target weight loss.
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet with lots of fiber to keep you feeling full.
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep to keep your body healthy and avoid any bloating or puffiness in your face.

Do facial exercises daily.

Doing facial exercises will strengthen facial muscles while burning fat. Studies show that doing facial exercises once a day for around 30 minutes per day will greatly improve the appearance of your face and help reduce puffiness. Set a timer on your phone, then try facial exercises like: Cheek puff exercise: take a deep breath and hold the air in your cheeks. Then push it to the other cheek. Smile exercise: smile and clench your teeth for a few seconds without squinting your eyes. Then pucker your lips. Repeat. Do this on one side, and then switch sides. Puckering exercise: pucker your lips for 5 seconds. Hold the pucker on the right, then switch to the left side of your face.

Add cardio to your routine.

Cardio gets your heart rate up and helps slim your entire body. If you exercise already but you mainly focus on strength training or weight lifting, try incorporating cardio 2 to 3 times per week into your routine. Studies have shown that aerobic exercises help reduce excess body fat and make you lose weight faster. Try exercises like: Jogging Running Swimming Cycling

Drink lots of water.

Stay hydrated to lose weight over time. Drinking water has been linked to weight loss because it keeps you feeling full for longer. Plus, dehydration can also cause bloating and swelling. Be sure to drink water regularly to improve the appearance of your face and skin overall. Drinking water is a good idea in general, mainly because it contains 0 calories and it’s great for your body. Try replacing any sugary drinks (like soda) with water throughout the day. You’ll be shocked at how much you slim down just by doing this simple step!

Limit your alcohol consumption.

Drinking alcohol excessively can lead to fat accumulation. While it’s totally okay to have a drink with dinner every now and then, drinking alcohol multiple times per week can cause weight gain, especially long-term. Try to limit how much alcohol you drink throughout the week to cut down on facial fat and feel healthier overall. Most alcoholic drinks also contain calories without giving you any of the nutrients you need.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet.

A proper, balanced diet will help you maintain your weight and health. As you decide what to eat for the day, focus on well-balanced meals, with nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and lean protein. The more balanced your diet is, the healthier your body will be, which can lead to weight loss over time. Eating healthy looks slightly different for everyone. In general, try to eat 3 balanced meals per day, and avoid processed foods as much as possible.

Limit how many refined carbs you eat.

Refined carbs may increase weight gain (and facial fat). Refined carbs are things like pasta, cookies, and crackers. While these foods aren’t bad on their own, if you eat them in excess, they could put you at a higher risk of obesity. By cutting back on refined carbs and replacing them with whole grains, you can lower your overall weight (and therefore your facial fat). Look for foods made with whole grains instead of refined carbs. Whole grains are healthier alternatives that can aid in weight loss.

Include more fiber in your diet.

Fiber keeps you feeling fuller longer, which can lead to weight loss. Multiple studies have shown that by consuming more fiber, people were able to cut down on how much food they ate, helping them slim down and lose fat. You can consume fiber naturally by eating foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes. Try to get around 25 to 40 grams of fiber every day.

Reduce your sodium intake.

Sodium leads to bloating, which can make your face appear puffy. Sodium is most often found in salt, but it’s also included in a lot of pre-packaged and processed foods. Try to stick to a low sodium det by avoiding processed foods and cutting out pre-packaged meals. In general, try to stick to less than 2,300 mg of sodium per day (which is about 1 teaspoon of table salt).

Get 8 hours of sleep every night.

Studies show that a lack of sleep can lead to weight gain. While it might not seem like your late nights are contributing to your overall weight, when you aren’t getting enough sleep, your body tends to hold onto fat for longer. Try to go to bed around the same time every night, and get around 8 hours of sleep per night. When you’re tired, your face might also look puffier or saggier than usual. When you get enough sleep, your skin will look tighter, brighter, and younger.

Lower your stress levels.

Stress can make it harder for your body to lose weight. If you’re constantly stressed out, your body goes into survival mode, hanging onto all the fat from the food that you eat. When you’re feeling stressed, do your best to calm down by practicing meditation, doing yoga, or practicing self care. If you’re feeling super stressed out all the time, consider talking to a mental health professional. They can help you identify your stressors and give you coping mechanisms to reduce your stress.

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