How to Get a Teacher to Like You
How to Get a Teacher to Like You
While you can’t make every teacher love you, you can work to make them like you. If you participate in class by doing your work and paying attention, your teacher will take notice and appreciate it. In addition to classroom participation, some good manners can go a long way. Just by showing up prepared and on time, being respectful, and practicing good hygiene, you can show a teacher that you care about their class. You can also build rapport with your teacher by visiting their office hours, showing them you value their opinion, and even getting them a little gift to show your appreciation.

Participating in Class

Pay attention to the lesson and participate in class discussion. Most teachers are interested in the material that they’re teaching. You can get a teacher to like you simply by paying attention and being interested in their class. Whenever a teacher encourages you to talk about what you’re learning, don’t be shy. Talk with your peers and teacher and show them that you want to learn about the subject. Even if you aren’t necessarily interested in the topic, participating in the class discussion will show your teacher that you’re trying to learn, which will make them like you more. You may find that making an effort to participate in the class gets you interested in the subjects being taught.

Complete your assignments in a timely manner. One of the easiest ways for you to get a teacher to like you is to complete the homework and classroom assignments and to turn them in when they’re due. Turning in incomplete work or asking for a time extension shows them that you didn’t manage your time well or that you’re not interested in their class. If you’re struggling with an assignment, ask for help. Your teacher wants you to learn, so asking them for help if you’re having trouble shows them that you’re interested in learning. Do your homework as soon as you can, rather than waiting until the last minute. Be honest with your teacher if you forget to do your homework. They may be upset, but they’ll appreciate that you told them the truth.

Listen closely to your teacher’s directions. Whenever your teacher is assigning homework or going over the instructions for a test, pay attention so you don’t have to ask them again later. Whenever you get a test or a written assignment, read the directions carefully to show the teacher that you care, which will make them like you more. Asking questions that you already have been given the answer to show a teacher that you’re lazy and that you weren’t listening to them when they gave you directions.Tip: If you do need clarification or help understanding something, you should ask your teacher so you follow the directions correctly. Ask them something like, “I’m sorry, I just want to make sure that I’m clear, can you go over the directions one more time?”

Answer your teacher’s questions when they ask the class. Teachers will often pose questions to the class that you can raise your hand to answer. If you know the answer, try to answer it. If you don’t know, but you have a good idea, try giving your best idea to the teacher. They’ll like that you’re trying to understand and learn the material. If you have no idea what the answer is, maintain eye contact with your teacher so they can see that you’re listening but you don’t have the answer. Some questions are rhetorical and aren’t meant to be answered. Pay attention in class so you can tell when your teacher really wants an answer to their question. It’s okay to get an answer wrong! That’s part of learning, and your teacher will like that you made an effort.

Ask meaningful questions related to the lesson. Questions that show that you’ve read the assigned book or completed the homework will show the teacher that you’re engaged in the class and will make them like you more. Be specific when you ask and don’t pose empty questions like, “I don’t get it, what does this mean?” For example, ask a thoughtful question about the assigned reading like, “I understand that the main character had a traumatic childhood, is that why he’s unable to fully commit to the woman who loves him?” Ask questions that are related to the course to show the teacher that you’re paying attention.

Study additional materials to go above and beyond. A teacher loves it when they’ve inspired their students to learn more about a subject on their own time. If you really want to get your teacher to like you, spend time on your own learning more about the topic or subject so you can discuss it with them in class and show them that you’re interested in it. For example, many literature textbooks include supplemental essays and readings at the back that expand on the ideas of the text. Read the supplemental materials for an even deeper understanding of the work. Go online and search for more information about the subject that you can use to ask questions in class. Ask your teacher for more information or materials about the subject. They’ll love that you’re interested enough to learn more about it.

Showing Good Manners

Arrive on time and prepared for class. If you want a teacher to like you, showing up ready for class is a simple and effective way to do it. Try to arrive 5 minutes before class starts so you can take out all of your materials and be ready to go. Bring all of the materials that you need for class with you.

Be friendly and open-minded to your peers. Your teacher will not appreciate you being mean to your peers or dismissing their ideas and questions in class discussion. Everyone is there to learn, so you need to be kind and open to the thoughts of other people in the class. Allow other people a chance to speak and ask questions. Never insult or ridicule one of your peers. You may have to work with your peers for a group project, so be kind and respectful towards them.

Show your teacher respect and be polite. Always be respectful towards your teacher, even if you disagree with something they say or do. If you want them to like you, be polite and friendly when you’re in their classroom. Greet them whenever you enter the classroom. Try making some small talk to lighten the mood. For example, you could say something like, “How about that game this past weekend?” If a teacher tells you that you’re wrong about something, don’t talk back or argue.

Keep your phone stored away during class. It’s extremely rude to look at your phone when you’re talking to somebody, but it’s especially rude and disrespectful to talk or play on your phone during class. Put your phone on silent and store it away in your bag until class is over. Respect your teacher’s policies regarding electronic devices. Tell your teacher if you plan to record their lecture for note-taking purposes so they’re aware of why you have your phone or recording device out.Tip: If you need to keep your phone out in case of emergencies or you’re expecting an important call, make sure you tell your teacher.

Practice good hygiene and dress appropriately for class. Your teacher will appreciate that you take care in your appearance when you attend their class. Make sure you’re clean and your clothes are neat and professional. You don’t have to wear a suit and tie, but a clean collared shirt or a casual dress shows that didn’t just roll out of bed to make it to class. Wash your hair and wear deodorant. Nobody wants a smelly person in their class!

Building Rapport

Thank your teacher whenever they help you. If your teacher gives you an extension or they make a special appointment to meet with you to discuss ways you can raise your grades, make sure you thank them and show your appreciation. A simple thank you can go a long way when it comes to getting someone to like you. Thank them in private by waiting after class or visiting their office hours so they know that it’s genuine. If you exchange email correspondence with your teacher, always send a thank you email whenever they respond or reply to a message that you send them.

Give them an appropriate gift for Teacher Appreciation Day. In the US, May 5th is Teacher Appreciation Day, so you can give your teacher a nice gift that they’ll enjoy. Make sure the gift suits the teacher and is appropriate. You can also give them a gift on their birthday or the last day of school. Give a gift that is specific to the teacher to show them that you care about their interests. For example, if they’re a fan of the Star Wars films, give them a movie poster that they can display in the classroom.Tip: You could give a gag gift to make them laugh, like a funny coffee mug that says “Student’s Tears” or a trash can that says, “Complaint Department.”

Visit a teacher during their office hours. Many teachers hold open office hours that you can use to visit them to discuss your course work, extra credit opportunities, or to talk more about a subject that you find interesting. Use their office hours to drop in and say hello, they’ll appreciate that you took the time to see them. Use office hours to discuss appropriate subjects like schoolwork or additional materials you can study.

Ask your teacher if they’ll write you a letter of recommendation. If you need letters of recommendation to take advanced courses or perhaps to apply to another school or even a job, asking your teacher will show them that you respect them and value their opinion of you. Asking your teacher to write one for you will cause them to pause and reflect on the qualities that they like about you, which can make them like you more. Ask them to leave the letter undated and addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” if you don’t know when you’ll need to use it. If you have a counselor or a potential employer that you need to provide a letter of recommendation, ask your teacher to date and address the letter to them.

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